Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H. (Ridiculous Income, Can't Hate) Ultima

For about a week and some change I’ve been going back and forth with customer service of a supplement company about a discount code not working.

Earlier today, I thought about just pulling the trigger and buying the damn supps full price since I wanted to try them anyway.

I happened to open my email account for another reason and found a 30% off coupon from this company running a “Today Only” special.

Ended up saving about the same amount I would’ve if the original code I’d received had worked. :sunglasses:


Took a couple week break from ultimas and just listened to HOM every now and then

Then I decided to listen to this one and literally hours later I finally get my tax return from last year which for whatever reason I still hadn’t gotten

Also in the process of looking for a new job and have some decent options right now. Still have to get through more interviews before I decide.

I think I’ll just focus on HOM and this for a while


How have the interviews been going?

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Got a lot of no’s but I’m not feeling bad about it because I still have so many more interviews left and I’ve improved my resume and interview process recently by talking with a recruiter.

Also doing well trading so at least I have some source of income. House of Medici helps out with that.

I’ve decided to add Ascended Mogul to the stack since that helps with getting work.


Great! I’m happy for you!


No idea if this is R.I.C.H. or not. Yesterday while I was out and about, I ran Primal Seduction Q, Ascended Mogul, R.I.C.H. V2, and the sub I made myself to help amp my efficiency going Uber Eats and Instacart.

Yesterday was decently profitable. Today, I only did a loop of Sex Mastery QV2. Got surprise sex from the wife.

Does the manifestation in R.I.C.H. aid in sexual manifestation when stacked with sex-themed subliminals?


You became R.I.C.H. in Sex. Or you became sexually wealthy. take your pick.


Women are turned on by decently profitable men. :grin:


Saw a friend share this post and it really resonated with me.

I got turned down by a lot of places but finally got accepted today. Really great opportunity for growth. I maintained a positive outlook even when I got rejected.

This sub combines really well with HOM for mindset and opportunities. I was mostly focusing on trading at first and I’ve been profitable so far but I realized that I want another source of income as well. Especially if it’s an industry where I can use the knowledge to create my own company down the line.


Congrats and good luck!

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Been running RICH as a booster here and there over the past few weeks. Some random guy who I’ve never met has TWICE now Zelle’d me $75 and $100 respectively. He’s called me to ask for the money back and I’ve returned the money to him both times, but I just thought it was interesting this has happened more than once with the same stranger.


Maybe he sent you the money then ran more loops of rich :laughing:


Nah. It’s probably just the overall aura of money, wealth and attraction coming off of you. And not just the energetic aura – your body language, verbal language, everything has probably changed in subtle ways that she picks up on.


Had an insane RICH manifestation today.

Me and the family are about to go on a trip in a few days, and we booked our tickets back in late June. Today I ran RICH in the morning. Just a few minutes ago, I was looking through my flight details when I wondered, “I wonder what the ticket prices look like right now?” I go to the EXACT flight I had already booked and found that if I booked now, I would save close to 50%. This is an airline that is known for tickets getting only more expensive as the flight gets closer. My friend who uses that airline often, as well as an engineer who used to work there, can attest to that.

So I did just that. I “changed” my flight to the exact same one online and now I’ll be getting a ~$1,500 refund.




Dragons do these things differently!

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Ridiculos-"deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd"Ridiculos income-an income,deserving or inviting derision,right? I hope they didn’t put it in the script

the fruit identifies the tree.

Results are good, so script must be good too.

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Are you serious? :man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:
Why the hell would they put that. It’s not like they’re dumb

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I’m more than serious.And I think it’s perfectly ok to have worries,doubts, and critical thinking.I just wouldn’t want to get the opposite of what is stated in the sales page


You can choose whichever definition you want. I am going with "unbelievably good."


In isolation, one can misunderstand many words…

  • Wanted is used for criminals. :scream:
  • Gold users will buy Gold, not Real Estate or Diamonds! :sweat_smile:
  • Where is the Emperor’s army, and who does he collect Taxes from? :man_shrugging:t2:
  • Rebirth? … REBIRTH! … Am I gonna die if I use this!!! :ghost:

But, words are never used in isolation.

Every script has 100s of complete sentences & questions.
And your brain is smart enough to understand the Context of those in relation to each other.


That’s what @Malkuth was alluding to.
No one has gotten opposite results in the 7 months that RICH has been around.
