Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Don’t forget to run Sex mastery before so you make sure to get an A+


I think they put a law in place that prohibits female professor to test male students… after I passed the last exam :smirk: :wink:


Plan number 1: a new LifeCharger sub that gives people the Invictus experience.



Sure, we are all just having fun here :wink:

But let’s get back to topic now

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BlackTiger: hey friday your professor has long blonde hair and blue eyes
Friday: Great will you use libertine on her to influence my grades
BlackTiger: urrrm sorry to disappoint he has blonde hair and blue eyes :rofl:


I made some recommendations for the roadmap and also plugged my suggested ZP major program, TRUE SELL ZP. Go upvote it iff you want a sales/persuasion major program that’s not dependent on any other major personality subliminals!




Can’t wait for this, hoping that we get an inside peak at what going on after this year.

@SaintSovereign Dragon Reborn ZP today?

What are your current plans for DR ZP? Your enthusiasm makes me quite intrigued.

Even though I very much consider myself an introvert I am looking forward to HOM ZP and Inner Circle ZP.

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I am continuously looking to being as mentally and emotionally mature and healthy as possible. I don’t really have a plan just continue my personal evolution

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I feel like this one will be a gamechanger. Imagine manifesting the perfect group of people to fit your life and goals?

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Just when I think I know where you guys are going with everything. Always keeping me on my toes.


Yeah, from one night to another Fire could decide to throw a few script out :grin:

What does that look like to you? I mean, being what you’ve described.

The reason I ask is, while obviously admirable and a most worthy mindset, it’s rather…limitless.

Of course, you don’t have to go into detail and you’re free to not answer at all, but do you have certain metrics you’ve defined for yourself that you’re striving towards?

Part of the reason I ask is that I’m having thoughts of a nature similar to the previous sentence. I have rather lofty goals for my life and I realize that I haven’t taken the time recently to sit down and consider what I’m actually, truly going for.

Unfortunately - in a sense - my goals in pretty much every sector including spirituality are rather unorthodox so I’m having to consider from outside of the box. In more ways than one :thinking:

But anyways. I’ve seen you mention more than one time the type of people in your environment and that have been in your life and your desire to remove yourself from their influence and ultimately, their mindset.

But I haven’t seen you mention what you do want in a concrete way, if that makes sense.

Again, no need to share anything you don’t want to.

P.S. rootin’ for ya.


Thank you

I am going to bed shortly. I will answer your question in the morning. It will give me time to think about it more as well

This could literally be among the best titles ever. With how important having good people is, it’s a no brainer.

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Damn, me looking forward to that Astral Projection ZP :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I am an Introvert, and I’ll be running Stark today. I still think that regardless of how “verted” a sub is designed, your subconscious will know ways how to implement that.

Aside from that, the notion that all introverts are social inept is wrong imo.
It’s just that we RATHER spend time alone working on our things, it’s not that we don’t ENJOY socializing every now and then.

I feel like you and JCast are lacking what most men are lacking these days.


A MEANING for your life. That can be given or it can be created. But when I get up in the morning, I have clear goals I want to do for that day. I don’t even plan far in advance, I just work on the process every day.
On my purpose.

It took me a while to realize this, but imo purpose is still THE most important thing for men.

I heard Stark has scripting for that @SaintSovereign is that correct?

Outside of that, Khan Stage 1 REALLY helped me with that lol
I AM opens eyes left and right :wink: