Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I appreciate this. But I’m also cognizant of the fact that 90% of my journal is a labyrinth to get through. I wish it was more organized. If there were some guidelines or general outline format for entries that would help you guys out I’d do my best to follow them.

Daedalus didn’t need to beta test them. Icarus was duly warned to fly neither too high nor too low. He ignored it and went too high. His fault :slight_smile:



This was the day you became Palpatine.


I don’t doubt that, had Icarus lived, he’d yell at his Dad(aelus) “Man, these wings are rubbish!”


Maybe that’s what he was yelling as he crashed towards the waves.

“Man, these wings are rubbiiiiiiiiiii…”

:joy: :joy:

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The current round started here.





If that upgrade is to be tested on a sub like PS im your guy. Ill stick with it until the end of time🙂


Okay. Another weird ZP/meditation manifestation.

I used to listen to this podcast sometimes.

If you click on the link, you can see that it went on hiatus back in June 2020 and had one brief reunion episode in September 2020.

Well, yesterday during meditation, for the last 5 minutes or so, I thought of the hosts and tried, unsuccessfully, to see if the host’s name would pop up in my memory/attention. Couldn’t remember so I checked after the meditation was over like ‘ah, that’s right. Now I remember.’ (we actually had a conversation a couple of years ago, so I wanted to remember.)

Fast-forward to today. I refresh my podcast list and that show title pops up. First episode since September 2020. That’s 16 months. And I have never checked on them before yesterday. On top of that, I’d imagine they were actually uploading the file yesterday or working on it.


That kind of thing has happened recurrently in the past with people I’m close to. But I find that now the web is going wider.

Here’s the woo-woo theory:

I’ve noticed that sometimes if someone thinks deliberately about me OR thinks really intently and focusedly about something with which I have a deep connection, they’ll sometimes pop up in my awareness.

So…(again) yeah.

ZP. (I think). also possibly Dragon Reborn. (or a combination of the two.)


What a sage comparison, damn.

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This question might irritate you, but I’m willing to be the one to ask. @SaintSovereign, have you noticed a difference in the potential to consciously guide titles, as was recommended so often with previous tech? I haven’t seen a single mention by really anyone of it, and I’m curious if there’s much of a difference, in favor of or otherwise.

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I think ZP titles are the most guided titles of all.

But it’s not a ‘Step A and then Step B’ kind of guidance.

It’s instantaneous.

More like riding a skateboard, less like hitting a golf ball.

The title responds to ‘Who You Are’. People are used to thinking of conscious guidance in terms of ‘What You Try To Do’.


And I, for one, am incredibly grateful for that. I’m sure I’m not the only one, either. :slight_smile: ZP is marvellous, and I would not have believed possibly what you’ve done with it.

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Yeah, I could see that. And honestly, something in your response triggered a realization in me that answers my question to Saint for me.

Maybe the ones that the script doesn’t necessarily resonate with on the identity level are the ones that would benefit most from conscious guidance.


Is it really THAT bad? It seems to me that’s just a bunch of guys asking the same questions over again haha
Could be annoying for sure, but still :smiley:

Maybe I am missing something, but apart from the regular Mercury Retrograde triggering in people, it doesn’t seem to be so bad? People are still very interested in all things ZP?

I mean we’re closing on 10k posts in this thread haha

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Not really. Probably more like 6K-7K if you filter out all the:

  1. Bullshit memes
  2. “Me too”
  3. Same questions over and over
  4. “Will (name of sub) be converted to ZP?” (this one gets a line all its own :joy:)

Y’all need to run Chosen From Within and calm your tits haha

I am genuinely surprised why there is even some sort of “negativity” on this board right now. Everything’s great! ZP is working well, copycats can’t keep up for shit, reality is changing at a massive pace.

Why are y’all mad? :slight_smile:


Why you assuming anyone’s mad? Saint said it’s a nightmare…I believe him…I ain’t mad. Just saying we’re nowhere 10K ACTUAL posts

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Try and remember that Saint has mentioned a few times over the past few months that we don’t see what they have to deal with on their end. I mean…

Just imagine what the support guy goes through every day. Saint has answered one of my tickets personally before and mine was a - in my humblest opinion - great question. Well…copy and pasted on someone else’s behalf, anyway.

Just imagine the uh, not so great questions. And then allow your mind to wander over the possibilities of what ELSE they go through over at SubClub HQ.



someone who has run all of the current business title which one gives you the most productivity boost?
Emperor, Stark, Mogul, Ascended Mogul or RICH?


Ascended Mogul and Limitless did it for me. The Qs

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