Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

is it just me, or does it actually seem like people are more concerned with subs’ descriptions, as well as what the future subs should or shouldn’t have, rather than actually running subs and journaling their findings?


I’m not the only one thinking that in the end lol

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You came to mind earlier btw.
I manifested pizza today :pizza:


I do agree with you here. One could look into the sales page and descriptions a bit too closely.

There could be people who may be looking to purchase Emperor in ZP format. The information available to them are the descriptions and sales page. They should still try it out. If it is not a right fit then there’s the 30 day Money Back return.


Mistaken :wink:


Obviously you had to think about me for that element :skull: :rofl:


Or they can just search up some journals by the people who actually are running the subs, it’s a forum at the end of the day, they’re not limited to just answers from the creators or the mods.

Like for example, I was reluctant to run Emperor ZP because I got a job at a corporation, and I asked multiple times if this focused version is still more for people who just want to build their own business, and I honestly felt like I annoyed Saint, because I could sense him thinking “why not just run it and see for yourself?”, but guess what?
I read journals, and it gave me the answers I needed.

Also, I don’t know how many of you noticed this, but most of the time when these arguments come up by some “random” person on the forum, their account seems to be somewhat new (either from during private testing time, or right after it). That’s kinda sus.

I honestly feel bad for @SaintSovereign, because now that I think about it, the forum might have also been a catalyst for triggering his recon.

Of course bro, you’re the pizza man :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


I’m gonna drop the 5 day rest to 3 days :wink:

I’m kind of curious if it would have a positive or negative effect on myself. Felt weird today. Posted a post but deleted it. I didn’t know if it would be helpful or impactful.


My only ‘issue’ with the protests to Voytek’s proposal is that people are separating ‘spiritual’ from ‘material’, as if there’s a definable line between the two :man_facepalming:t4:

Nobody @ me, not interested in adding anything further.

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I may just try this out myself.

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Guys please vote or add suggestions for the next ZP Preview titles. I for one would like to see Heartsong :slight_smile:


How many emails have you guys received about Zero Point? We sent out ONE for Chosen, that’s it. How many Zero Point specific ads? There’s a reason we haven’t really marketed it outside of the forum – because it’s still a work in progress. That’s why it’s called the Zero Point Preview. It’s not meant to be all encompassing yet, that’s why we haven’t written all the objectives and updates the pages and the boxes, etc. It’s still a WORK IN PROGRESS.

The way this is going, however, next time we have a technological upgrade, we’ll have to hand pick a group of testers to stick with us through the entire process, because some elements of this is becoming a nightmare.


This is what you guys did for Ultima, right? if I remember correctly the entirety of that dev process was restricted to testers like @lovage.

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Yes, but we were so excited about Zero Point that we wanted to get it into the hands of the public as soon as possible.


I think what made ZP problematic so far is that it upends linearity of listening patterns and predictability of results for the part of the population that is not heavily introspective/journaling about their own progress relative to well-defined personal expectations (which is to say, a lot of people).


can i be one :pleading_face:

We likely would’ve been part of that group :joy:

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That sounds like a kind way of saying, ‘The problem with ZP Preview programs is that you have to think about how to use them.’

Kind of like the wings of Icarus, eh?

Daedalus was not given enough time to beta-test them.


I appreciate this. But I’m also cognizant of the fact that 90% of my journal is a labyrinth to get through. I wish it was more organized. If there were some guidelines or general outline format for entries that would help you guys out I’d do my best to follow them.

Daedalus didn’t need to beta test them. Icarus was duly warned to fly neither too high nor too low. He ignored it and went too high. His fault :slight_smile: