Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Indubitably and I certainly have no beef with how our zealous firebrand does his do. But I’ll have a cow if…

Idk, I’m just feeling punny.

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Stark ZP 's documented Jarvis / “A.I” effect I guess. Makes me eager to try Stark ZP after my washout.

I’ve been reading posts on this forum for almost two years and I somehow have missed this Jarvis effect that I’ve seen mentioned the past couple of days.


Research time.

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It’s still OK to stack them though right?

I’m starting stark after my washout too. Whats a jarvis effect?

Edit: searched it on forum. Some sort of voice in your head?

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Yes. Just don’t stack the Qv2 and ZP versions of the same title.


Yeah but the voice is like one result of the unification of conscious and subconscious on Stark ZP. @Invictus, @Iceman and @Davisnwc have posted on it.

The post linked below (and some following post)

and on Invictus thread.


many here don’t really see journals anymore, so I’ll post this here:

interesting effects

edit: Saint, I know you might get annoyed by the fact that I posted about a listening pattern that would most probably overload others, and I apologize for that, but this felt like such an interesting thing that I felt too compelled to write about.


And I really hope they will consider this great idea instead of removing this brilliant product. Adding EQ, spiritual and artsy elements would make it very different from Limitless but still working in the same domain.

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We are doing everything we can to avoid removing it. The issue is the fact that BLU was a “booster,” which doesn’t exist on ZP… yet. So, we’re still seeing if we can make BLU something that you can run and feel the productivity and cognitive enhancements immediately, or if we’ll have to shelve it for now. Either way, we do NOT WANT to eliminate the product. Hence the research I’ve been doing into recon (which I talked about on my journal) and quicker execution.

I’m pretty sure I can make BLU work in the seven minute format, but I know what will happen after that. Overexposure hell from those who won’t run one loop.


So UA and stark have minds eye

I think Sage, RICH, Mogul, Spartan could use it.

Oh and Khan……Definitely Khan


I’m willing to test that seven-minute kitten if there’s such a possibility. :heart_eyes:

Would not mind joining in.

Just all the bold and decisive shit you do on Khan, were talking sex, work, social everyting!


i admire your concern for customers but as i have stated many times on this subject…


it is not your responsibility if idiots refuse to follow the instructions.

someone can buy a hammer and kills someone with it but no one expects hammer companies to somehow build in a safety measure to prevent this.

it is not your responsibility to anticipate that some people will be stupid and hurt themselves with the product.

people refuse to follow instructions for drugs/medication all the time but no one expects drug companies to anticipate this and somehow built in safety measures into medication to prevent this.

again, there would be no way for society to function if all companies tried to baby customers the way you seem to.

again, i admire the thought but its highly irrational in my opinion.

if 7 min BL is possible then it should be released even if idiots will refuse to follow instructions.

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100% disagree.

I do not see why any spiritual elements should be added to cognitive enhancement product.

buy a spiritual product if that is what you seek.


Honest question.

Is there anything you don’t disagree with on here?


100% agree :wink:

There’s plenty of spiritual subs out there, get that ultimate sage alchemist projection shit away from my cognitive enhancement subs tyvm


100% disagree. When he agrees, he says “good question” :grin:


That’s why it’s called “Beyond” Limitless, Beyond what Limitless offers. Cognition beyond “ordinary” cognition so spiritual/artsy/emotional cognition or you can name it whatever you want if you’re not into the term “spirituality”. So enhancing “not ordinary” aspects of cognition like “spiritual”, artsy and emotional ones. I’m sure the guys will take it into account since we have no program of this kind.

@SaintSovereign @Fire


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