Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Lol, same question poped in my head :smiley:

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Does True Social count as a booster or will you be releasing that in ZP? Would be nice to have a product laser focused on reducing social anxiety, being in the moment and deeply connecting with people ie being relaxed and in parasympathetic mode around people.

If not what would the best 2 ZP products to stack with stark to achieve that goal? Daredevil, love bomb, sanguine, etc?


Fair enough. Very fair.

There’s also the Form vs. Content (or Substance) side of things.

In short:

would you rather be given a piece of shit (Substance) molded into the shape of a piece of gold (Form)
a piece of gold (Substance) molded into the shape of a piece of shit (Form)

For me, yah. It’s definitely the latter.

Putting to the side the fact, that there are no crappy forms here at Sub Club, my point is that the substance of all of the subliminals involves heightened integration of the various dimensions of mind and cognitive function.

As such, the sexiest of sex subliminals and the most cognitive of cognitive subliminals are still going to contribute to a process of intra-systemic integration. They’re going to unify you. ZP, as we all know, does this even more powerfully.

So, “spirituality” (as I define it anyway–Systemic Integrity) is going to be supported by basically any title on here, no matter what the particular form may be. And not my or anyone else’s spirituality, but your own genuine Integrity.

(I know we usually use the word ‘spiritual’ to refer to woo-woo kinds of things, but why pigeon-hole such an important concept?)

Anyway, apart from that tangent, yes. I agree. Incisive, piercing, situational cognitive enhancement is definitely great in its own right.

  1. There are no boosters

  2. They probably don’t want to eliminate true social but I can’t be 100% sure. But apparently fire has already written all the scripts, and they’re just being built now. I am guessing trrue social will be around

Daredevil seems tailormade for this goal. Dont think youll need much more than thAt, but if you do, a lot of ppl report being far more social on sexual subs like libertine.

BLU is an amazing product i even turned it into an ultima and included various other modules.

Please forgive me for removing the GIF-posting competition and intentional showers (of praise). All those hammers might break the Internet. Although I’m tempted to keep the two posts where Budewr and Malkuth throw the dictionary at one another. That was just funny. Unfortunately out of context once the rest is removed.

For the record, there wasn’t anything specifically wrong with all the pictures, it simply became a bit overwhelming.


All titles will be rewritten in Zero Point eventually.

Going back to Beyond Limitless. How many of you listened to the lifecharger? If you heard the script in that, it most definitely wasn’t just cognitive focus. It had talk of the universe, energy, reality creation, not inherently spiritual but not grounded purely in the physical. I’m 90% sure that went into the Ultima as well. Granted those were visualization metaphors but it seemed beyond the cognitive to me.

So I’m just curious to know. Why just the cognitive? If you could have the cognitive and leveraging the power of something bigger than yourself why not?


@GoldenTiger to be honest i have been down in the last few weeks because of the harsh lock downs but i always try to do is focus my mind on something like learning a new language or a new skill like cooking for example. The girl i was with has moved and i am keen to get my dating life back to how it was. With the lock down that has made it next to impossible to meet women. However things are beginning to look better last week the gyms reopened, perhaps in a few weeks things will return to normal. I had alot of people i knew close to me passed away and that got me really depressed.

Things will get better my good friend white tiger :wink: ohh and khan will be here soon :slight_smile:


I can’t wait for Khan :grin: This one is really a life changer!

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Stay strong @TheBoxingScientist. One thing I’ve learnt from all this pandemic stuff, that is to just stop, close my eyes, and then realize that it works from the inside → out, just like Zero Point energy.

We have not had any lockdowns here in my country, but the effects of all this fear mongering and control shows in people’s faces. They are playing their cards of control just like a python snake, they put pressure on, then they release so you can breath out, and then they squeezy even harder.

Humanity is at a crossroad where we need to either submit, or take our power and birthright to be free back :muscle:


Oh mate, same to you, I wish you the best, the lockdown won’t stay for long!

When Khan will, be upgraded in ZP, we will be able to use it to grow at a super fast rate.


man i wish if i was just from Sweden , your lucky man i would love to be an European lol , not in a cliché way, but the freedom you got there is just amazing

sucks to be a middle eastern tbh


Freedom comes from within @Budewr :wink: There are pros and cons wherever you live. For an example, Swede’s are so used to just floating along, so it takes a long time for us to realize something is fishy…

When Swedish people protest, they cross their arms with a sour face, and then they carry along like there’s no elephant in the room, and talk behind people’s back :sweat_smile: But when the French xxx … sacre bl**e!


Thanks @Tobyone for your moral support :slight_smile:


truly even where i live here theres cons and pros, but trust me the cons goes like 10/1 ratio,

lol i wish i could protest, the only middle eastern country that is allowed to protest is Kuwait, the others you better not try to…

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I think like this, that I chose to come to this place when I was born to learn something. There’s no accidents in the Universe, look past the distractions and find what it is you came here to learn :thinking::sunglasses:


Guys please. Lets not continue the Beyond Limitless debate. Frankly speaking, I had suggested the idea of a spiritual knowledge limitless with Beyond Limitless since it’s “Beyond” Limitless.

But yes, those who already have BLU in their downloads might not have purchased it for that purpose so we will have to take their opinion into consideration too.

Maybe a skillful melding of spiritual and mental cognition could be the way forward. Or a more powerful cognitive boost for shorter time periods. Am just throwing some ideas around.

In the end, SaintSovereign and Fire will take the right decision and give us all what we need.

So lets just relax and enjoy the candy in the candy store.


Indeed i think theres a message behind it and why. I was born here yet to be discovered , but man i miss having cool nice friends that are open mind, and very like minded people

Its really rare here like really,

For sure im leaving asap lol