Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I like that second schedule you posted. It seems like i need extra processing time on my custom vs ZP so having that buffer before I hit ZP again might help a lot.

On that note. I’ve noticed in the past week I’m not as mentally sharp and I’ve been mixing up things that I’m doing. For example, the other day I went to go hangup my keys in my kitchen near my microwave, when the hook is actually in the hall. Another one is I was cleaning utensils and got interrupted. When I went back to finish up I walked to my refrigerator and almost put a fork in there. I’m not sure if anyone else has been doing similar stuff.


Have been noticing some of that when I write posts over here. I don’t feel as sharp as before and feel like am trying hard to make sense when writing. Must be recon.

Don’t have any issues with the day to day though.

Might be gone after a while when we get used to our stack. That’s my guess.


Yeah that’s what I’m unsure of if this is just a passing thing or a sign to take more rest days. But I’m leaning towards more rest. It’s like my mind is starting to glitch out a bit and forget to do steps in a task I’m contemplating doing.

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This is interesting. What’s common in your stacks – Paragon ZP?

Couple years back, there were such glitches with Limitless for a few people.

I haven’t opened the Limitless ZP thread … now I want to check if anything similar has been reported there too.



Yup Paragon ZP. And then my custom has ascension and some support and enhancement modules.


Mogul ZP makes me want to work. Nothing else. Simple as that


Good point, @Simon. I did experience less sleep (4 to 5 hrs) due to Paragon ZP but that settled after 7 to 10 days and now am back to the normal amount of sleep time (6 to 7 hrs).

Something similar must be happening to cognition too and am sure it will be okay soon (maybe a brain reboot).

Either that or am still recovering from the sleep deprivation haha.


Hmm. Any of you guys feel another title gonna be converted to ZP soon?


would be interesting. Sunday is my 21-day mark where I will take 5 days off.

The 21 days flew by man, whew! I did listen to Chosen a couple of times instead of my regular one - wanted. Will see what difference that will be on my 5 days off.

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You think so? I felt something funny. The days went fast but at the same time I felt like I was listening to this stack for a long time lol.

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KHAN :sunglasses:

I can feel the Khan fever coming in my veins!


Man, the list of objectives on KHAN would be magnificent!

I khan’t wait!


Just the stage 1 of Khan will be a challenge to transform and to run hahaha

I’m still curious “how would you transform this?”

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Maybe we will get a glimpse of that in “ST1 Objectives”. Or a slight modification in the ST1 part of the Khan Sales Page.

All we can do right now is dream and speculate.

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Paragon uses a lot of resources. You’ll need to up your nutrient and water intake. I keep a gallon jug full of water with me now, along with some nutrient / energy rich snacks. Bananas, Kind bars, those kinds of things. Also, MCT Oil, if you can stomach it.


Khan is King :slight_smile: we will get sex mastery or S&S next week.

Lets not put anymore pressure on Saint and just await.

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TBH, I don’t care too much about what is released hahaha

I’ll be stoke if it’s Khan or if there is something special for Christmas like last year (wheter it’s a surprise title, a sale or some new ZP conversion).

I’m just glad to be part of the people who can try ZP first. :grin:


Raph lately I feel so blessed, don’t know if by saying this I am going to jynx it. A lot of thing in my life are starting to move, I really hope that it keeps going. I am dying for a place of my own.

I have been running wanted ZP and I like how it is changing me, I am so chill and more playful. I would be happy if I could get that banter going to more and become more coquettish.

You know I am a Te user and being Te makes you kind of cut and dry but I am getting to know another side of me, which allows for more play…somehow I am starting to feel like I am undoing the damage I did to myself, it is hard to explain but I think you get what I mean


After I’m done with my test run of Wanted ZP on Dec 31st. I’m really starting to think that my next stack will be Chosen ZP + Mogul ZP. Just 2 subs for 3 or 4 months. Then I’ll see if I bring Emperor back or not. I want to run lean. Two subs is enough to hit the ground running in January.


You will get there, my friend. Am here in case you ever need a sounding board.