Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I don’t fully agree here. Consider the case of Eddie Mora. When the pill worked its magic, he didn’t shy away. He ended up running for fucking President of the United States of America!

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Once you are inside SC it becomes very obvious the illusion in which most people live day by day… complaining about meaningless stuff to which they give power over their lives.

I guess thats why people are so afraid of change… changing means making yourself responsible of your own life, your own crap, your own desires.

Im not gonna lie, it is scary to dig deep, but its fucking worth it… it does change your whole reality entirely.


I have removed Chosen and Wanted from my stack. I’m all in on RICH.

I will test Spartan out for a week.

If Emperor ZP Preview releases, I’ll take that.
Until then, it may be RICH and only RICH.



No side effects to report?

Are you even trying to follow the guidelines Simon :rofl:

Precisely. And we have here a kid who still needs to complete his degree. :slight_smile:

PS: I hope you do know what I think about Eddie Morra.


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What he said

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Why would there be side-effects!

The way I remember it, Saint has explicitly mentioned that “on ZP, you will see people changing stacks quickly.” :point_down:t2:

I actually love this about ZP. It takes 3-6 days to decide if a title is for you at this point of time or not. In the past, this would take almost a month.



Ohhh yeah

I think I remember seeing this! This is probably why I want to remove chosen!

When I’ll get laid a couple of time and will feel attractive and capable sexually, I probably stop caring and run something for work and money :money_mouth_face:


I’m starting to lean towards one loop only on listening days. Single stack.

I did 2 loops of WANTED today (I’ve dropped everything else) and now I have headache.

Haven’t seen any results yet, but they will come as they always do. Just a matter of time.


I have only done Chosen two in a row, no problems there. But I imagine Wanted can easily drain you because it is so demanding.


Yeah. I’m not that aligned with Wanted, but I want to see the physical shifting.


A drunken sauna should fix that


Sure, I’ll dial up some remedial treatment for tomorrow :wink:

As someone who works out 7 days a week now I’d really align with the physical shifting were it to be turned up.

AND I’m doing OMAD again as of this month. So taking massive action on my part.


I’m a bit more lenient with IF on weekends due to social stuff.


Wouldn’t that be too little for WZP energy requirements?

Chosen and R.I.C.H are definitely for me.

But the last slot is definitely wanting to be taken up :weary:

The meals have my entire day’s worth of calories, so you better believe they’re massive. I try to shoot for 2,000 calories at least.

I hope to also shed light on how this works for other users who may be interested in IF or OMAD while running these subs.


LOL, I am not a kid, but thanks for the youthful compliment. ​I don’t need to complete my degree, I am there for a multitude of reasons and perks, that has nothing to do with getting a piece of paper at the end or even getting amazing grades. I will ultimately do whatever I feel like doing, but it is nice to get different viewpoints to help me think outside my own box, so I appreciate that. I am not redoing life plans don’t worry, I am just thinking different thoughts and trying them on for size which can help me calibrate and get closer to what I actually want to do or remember what I originally set out to do with this current path.

I think everything you said in this post is very subjective. Like for example, please enlighten how this singular ‘real world’ works? Because as far as I see everyone is in their own individual reality and what is real and not real is a very subjective and personal experience.


Too many actually :laughing:
I’m going to be the first one to run a stack for 30days if that keeps going :kissing:

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I consider December to be a relatively experimental month for subs. Personally I’m setting the canonical start of 45 day rotations to be the beginning of next year.

Starting stack will be:

  • Paragon
  • Heartsong (I humbly ask SC to make this in ZP, I feel it would benefit tremendously from it).