Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

It is like a feeling in my solar plexus that connects with a thought of “maybe I should drop Chosen” then I have thoughts of not wanting to be a leader yet and that I want to focus on leading myself first.

But then I don’t act on this impulse and start thinking well maybe Chosen can help me with that?

So the different viewpoints are what makes me not act on the impulse, as it could be not telling me to stop it or maybe it is telling me to stop it. I don’t know.

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Yeah, I have something similar, I feel in my chest and the thought seems to stay with me.

In my case I want to be more attractive and developp that sexual confidence, being able to read if a girl is flirting with me, and being able to flirt back.

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It’s not about psychology vs business as a “sector”. It’s about what you want to do. You can certainly make a difference studying business. Everything is a business. A psychologist running its own practice is a business.

The difference lies in how you create that impact. As a psychologist I imagine the impact would be more one on one. In business it can be one on one, but more often you’d have a broader scope.

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When I was considering stopping Chosen, I did also think if I was meant to keep Chosen in, then I will get an intuitive nudge about that once I carry on with the two other ZP’s. So this way, either choice can lead one back to the preferred way, to sort of speak.

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Yeah you are right, I could carry on with only PS and W for the next 10 days and my subconscious would tell me what’s right for me.

If my hart choose Chosen, then I’ll add it back after my 5 days washout. If not, I’ll continue on with PS and Wanted.

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Yeah, good point. I do need to get clearer about what it is that I am feeling and trying to articulate.

Well, considering sociology is about society at large and psychology is more about the individual in nature. I know I find the more individual aspect more interesting than society at large, as it all starts with the individual anyway, it is the root of everything. So I believe that is where the real change comes from and naturally, society reaps the rewards of that.

I suppose right now I am seeing business as the outline to everything, and psychology is what fills the middle. I have always known that business is the outline, since I began studying it in the first place, as I didn’t know what I wanted to do, so I thought everything is a business let’s use my time proactively and study business, then maybe I could just start my own business eventually.

One thing that has been missing is, something juicy, interesting that I can stick my teeth into. Yeah, it is great having the outline, but it doesn’t ignite anything in me and I am just using it to pass my time until something of substance comes into my reality.

I am rambling now, I will continue to ponder over this. Thanks for your thoughts! I appreciate it.


@anon47287061 : Most sociology graduates don’t think about this but sociology is a great training if you want to work in marketing. As a sociologist you’re already used to working with data and statistics. You’re already used to finding the underlying causes of social trends and movements. All things you need to know if you want to be a good marketer. Of course you will have to learn a few more tools and platforms.
Sociology can also lead to a career as a data analyst but you will need to add to your arsenal tools like SPSS, R or STATA.

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Wow! same dream, killing a giant snake! :sweat_smile:

Wanted ZP, Limitless ZP, RICH ZP


wow same dream :slight_smile: What do you think this means @Ikigai

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You could try researching psychology on the side a bit, and than make a descision on what direction you want to move forward in at the end of 3th period or something. It sounds like you choose a business major on a whim, (like a lot of people do, choosing your major is a damm hard task). And im gonna assume that you dont really like the major. so its okay to still switch, you just have to absolutely make sure that if you do switch, youre gonna switch to something that youre actually gonna stick to no matter what. And have a clear image of what youre getting yourself into beforehand.

This is just my take on it from my limited perspective. I dont know youre exact situation, but ive experienced myself a similair situation of doing a major i simply didnt find interesting, and switching was a really damn good descision in my situation.


This sentence says a lot. If you don’t find what you are doing interesting it’d be better for you to switch before it is too late. After careful consideration, of course.

Full disclosure, I studied business and find it broad enough that I always find something interesting to deep dive into. Having said that, I keep wishing I studied something closer to my passions (e.g., automotive engineering).


It seems to me that the more you’re aligned with the scripting and the more you’ve got accustomed to it the more exposure you can bear. Of course, there’s a limit and that limit is close to the recommended pattern to my taste. Personally, I don’t see any reason to go over the recommended pattern so I would say you should find your sweet spot for every sub you’re running, and you should not look for it beyond the recommended pattern.

It looks like for me it would be one loop of Wanted every other day and one loop of Limitless every four days (running both subs every four days). Why? It’s too much for me to run Limitless every other day. I got overloaded. Or maybe that sub needs a bit more tinkering?

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Hey @Sub.Zero, I watched Carnage yesterday :rofl:

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Now I’m into LOTR :rofl:

How is you journey going?

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Well, I don’t want to write too much here, but ZP is insane i’ve noticed :

-Better thought patterns (more positive, accepting of myself)

  • More in the present
  • Slowly increase in social confidence
  • More look from woman
  • Curiosity for life

Overall I feel like I’ m getting out of depression with these titles :slight_smile: Currently continuing on my journey, my heart is telling me to drop chosen and continue with PS and Wanted for the time being :slight_smile:

What about you?


I’ve been running Wanted for almost three months and I must admit it’s a lovely sub. I would have never considered running it if not for the test. It helps you get so comfortable in your own skin and so fast that it blows your mind. I don’t know what about other ZP titles but Wanted really helps you discover yourself and embrace all the findings with ease. It makes me the way I’ve always WANTED to be. Totally myself and totally okay with that.


Apart from physical shifting results, did women approach you ?

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That’s great! I keep hearing good stufd about Wanted ZP :grin: You are confirming my choice to keep it!

I’m in a relationship and she’s my guardian and shadow wherever I go. :rofl:

But a lot of IOIs from women but not much more than I used to get.


Have you noticed Wanted making you more social?