Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Going to bed now and this actually feels more or less like going to bed the night before your birthday or Christmas as a child.
What a company and what a community.


Whilst I do think they’ll have some idea on what they’ll do, I don’t think they’ve fully come to a decision on it yet.

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Im having the very same christmas as a kid vibes… We need a party to wait for the preview, lets open some champange!! :champagne:

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Saint said the multi-stagers will most likely remain that way since they be a grinch to combine into one file at build/conversion time

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@Ice, Chosen seems like the best sub yet for sales! The now-obvious ZP sales stack is Chosen/Wanted/RICH.

See sales page objectives for Chosen. Even includes physical shifting for eyes/voice…

  • Cultivate a powerful sense of positive, charismatic alpha leadership
  • Quickly elevate your internal sense of status and power to the level of royalty
  • Develop your mental fortitude, become impervious to negative attacks from others
  • Develop a deep sense of hope, peace and positivity for the future
  • Inspire those around you to follow your lead and assist with achieving any positive goals
  • Irradiate an energetic aura of pure positivity, hope, kindness and absolute strength
  • Develop a profound internal sense of courage and bravery, inspiring those around you to achieve the same traits
  • Breakthrough all social barriers preventing personal success, enter any social circle with ease
  • Manifest and attract high value, talented individuals who can help achieve your goals
  • Attract romantic partners who are on the same positive, powerful wavelength as you [optional, Chosen will not interfere with existing relationships]
  • Physical shifting to manifest your goals: charismatic, piercing eyes; powerful, yet inspiring voice; strong, but assuring body language, etc.
  • And more!

Updated the article: Follow the listening pattern guide closely when blending the two. This “results boosting” effect can also cause increased recon and side effects. And please do NOT run the ZP version and the Qv2 version of the same title (for example, don’t stack Wanted ZP and Wanted Qv2). This can lead to very harsh reconciliation, and you wouldn’t get nearly as much benefit as you’d think anyway. If you have a Qv2 custom with a CORE, you can run it with the ZP equivalent as long as the custom doesn’t consist of just the name embedded core and a few other modules.


How would ZP work with a QV1 custom in my stack?

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Getting closer. Five and a half hours


Is it west time or central time?

Eastern time

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Eastern Time

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Really? Thats great… I though I had to wait till tomorrow morning

You do. It doesn’t drop until tomorrow

I’ll get ZP access at 4pm. For the first time this year I am happy to live in Australia lol


Im confused… doesnt Wanted zp and Diamond zp get released at 23:59?

23:59 EST

Mate depends of where you live…


Does anyone know a good bedtime story? I have a hard time falling asleep for some reason :man_shrugging: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I think I have the same problem… have no idea what might be the cause :sweat_smile:


Once upon a time there was… a dwarf dreaming of being a giant… once upon a time… The dwarf was intimidated by all the people with the big cylinders around him… because they looked like giants… he wanted to have such a tall hat, too… but at one point he realized… that he was very tired… so tired that he could sleep easily… fall as sleep easily… then he dreamed about the truth… he wasn’t a dwarf after all… he was a real giant… he was one of those people who didn’t need to wear tall hats to appear bigger… and this dream was true… sleep, little giant, sleep… and awaken tomorrow to your true potential! Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz


I out going to bed am a hour behind subclub time but even then still have to wait for LIMITLESS and RICH