Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I really want to run Chosen when I wake up but I also want to run R.I.C.H ZP :weary: just not sure when it will be available during the day…

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Looking at your icon and reading that reply made me laugh. :joy:


I wish lifechargers would come into the fray already, it seems they’re supposed to be the answer to how we have boosters while running a 3 ZP stack.


“Do it” is too short to type for a reply due to forum rules

Wanted will be available for download in 8 hours or so… I don’t know about Rich…

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Yep. Yes. Sounds good.

CHOSEN, right?

Thanks @StateOfBeing @Palpatine and @James :slight_smile:


You’re welcome

7 and a half hours to go

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I have never really wanted to be a leader but ALZP has definitely brought out those characteristics and traits in me


New article:


I have a quick question,

Why is it called a preview with a public test?

Isn’t it just a full release of the ZP version for those products?

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Because based on feedback from us, the scripting and/or build method might be changed slightly before the “official” rollout.


It’s a preview of what the tech can do. Whilst we play with those titles, they’ll be doing the actual final builds of conversions. Based on feedback. The preview titles may not necessarily be the final versions

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@SaintSovereign in the new article it says to not stack Qv2 en ZP of the same title. Does this rule also apply when you have a custom that features the core of one title you also want to run in ZP?

What @BLACKICE said

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Ahh okay thanks for the clarfication

A short bit about not liking sports.


I miss Mitch so much. St Paul Minnesota guy just like me

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