Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Still pumped to test ZP. I decided to try out Wanted and started running the QV2 version for one loop every other day for over a week now and results have been interesting. Feeling a lot more chilled, eating better / less and have been getting some responses from my wife and others. Should be good to switch over to ZP and see how the effects change and improve.


I ran Wanted ZP but didn’t really notice anything in the attention department for a couple of reasons. I am generally oblivious to all of that because I figure I’m a 53 year old long haired dude. Even if I wasn’t married I wouldn’t look for anything.

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I knew American guys at the age of 65 sticking with 30 y.o. Asian women here in SE Asia.

If it works for them awesome

These are great results that you’re getting so you can help other people. Are you also getting these same revelations about yourself for your own growth and development?

I feel like sharing this;

I keep reading comments here and there about the ZP subs and keep seeing a constant pattern:
People are trying to decide the subs based on what they desire, without really giving it much thought.
In fact, everyone I talked to seems to have come to different conclusions about what stacks to run, after they talked to me, than the one they previously proposed or thought about.
You guys need to realize something, ZP will change your reality in such a way that you will feel like you were always the archetype of the sub you’re running without any healing required, however, that in itself is the way ZP will heal you and set you on the right path.

But you as a user also need to sit down and think about yourself, ask yourself “what is it I need to change or fix to become that way?”, why is this a good exercise you might ask?
Because a lot of people here want everything out there without realizing that you’re probably not like that on Qv2 because of the fact that deep down, that archetype doesn’t gel well with your core.

This is also something that will help people identify their issues, like for example @GoldenTiger wants to run WANTED ZP, but has an issue in the sexual department, right?
Now ask yourself “what is the issue specifically?”

Is it an issue with your sexual performance? Then run Diamond ZP.

Is it an issue with escalating the situation to become sexual? Then run PS ZP.

Is it an issue of self image? (Yes this can cause sexual issues) then WANTED ZP will take care of it.

@SaintSovereign has mentioned this before and I will too, with the way ZP is scripted, you will really need to identify with the archetype you truly desire and feel like it will suit you the best, yes I know most of you want to run WANTED ZP and get girls and stuff, but PS ZP will get you girls too, and so will the positivity and status of Chosen, and potentially even the lusty aura of Diamond ZP.

So my point here is: don’t jump to try out something just because you want girls, those WILL come if you get yourself fully aligned with your goals and become the best version of yourself.


I am starting to getting annoyed (in a good way :sweat_smile:) of people who sharing their QZP experience . Can you all stop telling your experiences please , till the preview start :joy::joy:. Great to read your success stories and the revelations and expansion happening in your life . Forever more :muscle::muscle:


My guess is that because of the nature of the Zero Point build, ‘stages’ aren’t necessary. At least in the same way.

QZP can act both long term and as a booster.

QZP’s qualities lessens the need for them to add healing scripts for single stages, because of its nature.

This, and a couple of other reasons are why I personally don’t see it as a huge mental leap to envision single stage Khan, Dragon Reborn, etc.


Same here, I see people like

“My reality changed completely!! Holy shit!! Opening of the third eye!! Amazing sex!! Chakraaa!! OFMG I am transcended!!”



Requesting either PoMaQ ZP or PoMaQ Lifecharger…@SaintSovereign


Hey come on, I only share around 50% of what happens :wink::joy:


I think Preview in this case indicates that this is not yet the formal unveiling of the final versions. They may further tweak the ZP build based on customer experiences.

But yes, if it’s not a title you already own, you’d probably have to buy it.


Share the other 50 bro. Why you holding back on us.

And your other post definitely has me included.


Please direct me to the appropriate post if this has been covered, with regards to multi stage ZP subs, is it recommended to listen to each stage progressively for 45 days before moving on?

We have to wait until the official listening guidelines come out. Saint has said you can listen to a stack for 45 days.

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Also this post


Because the other stuff that I haven’t shared much about would give others FOMO and not want to use the sub THEY want.

Like for example, even though I haven’t ran RICH ZP since the test ended (even though I’m thinking about it), I’m still manifesting money daily and even manifested a suit that I saw in a dream, which I didn’t pay a single penny for.
Or like how anything I intend to buy and really want suddenly goes on sale.

With Chosen I have actually become friends with a guy from the CID department, who has given me a guarantee to get me into another company (a petroleum firm) if the current stuff doesn’t work out.

With WANTED, my girl has become so clingy and submissive that I can pick up a girl and make out in front of her and she wouldn’t say shit because as she always puts it, I own her.

And how Diamond ZP’s “performance” enhancement has almost made me lose my hearing :sweat_smile:.

There are things that would be too unrealistic for people to believe and would make me seem like a liar, or end up making people want to run the same stacks as me, which could end up disappointing them as we all express subs differently, like how both me and @Malkuth had completely different experiences on the same exact sub.


Here’s the comment


I need to hear this story

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What do you think would happen if you gave a girl the best pleasure of her life?
Especially in a closed space.

I’ll leave the rest to your imagination :wink:
And for context, I’ve been a card magician for 15 years and my fingers move better than a guitarist :wink: