Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

1 loop of Emperor and I can’t remember you …

Insane stack!

@pacman I suspect the changes are stored in your subconscious even if are not or less expressed!

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@pacman he forgets the legendary black adder :grinning: he has indeed changed.

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Very hard to pinpoint exactly what is happening but it’s extremely deep change that feels like nothing is happening.


I think ZP’s internal shifting allow your mind to express parts of yourself you didn’t know you had.

For example, you run Khan and Khan incites you to approach, talk to everyone, be dominant and all (the final goal of Khan). Due to societal conditionning, self confidence, fear or whatever, some of Khan’s scripting are not expressed fully because your subconscious mind doesn’t really believe it at 100% (which creates reconciliation)… Taking action and having success would prove your subconsious that X is doable and you deserve it, hence why you were changing and starting to believe. What we need to remember here is that the scripting that wasn’t expressed was still heard.

With QZP, it starts from inside, you already believe it before doing stuff. So even the old scripting that was in your mind can be expressed because even if you are not listening to it right now, it’s still in your subconscious. This would explain the bloom effect that you get when starting QZP.

Just a quick recall, @Simon explained that ENTP had a talent to link things together and create ideas hahaha, that paragraph made me think ("Woah, I’m good at creating bulls**t!!) - I still think my theory is valid.


With everyone catching the ZP fever these days (credit to @TheBoxingScientist for inspiration), this meme might not relate to everyone because of intergenerationnal differences, Spongebob was something when I was young haha


Legit how I feel.

I can actually relate to you with how you’re feeling from what you’ve spoken about in this thread and others journals.

I’m hoping that ZP is the holy grail I’ve been looking for as I’m feeling hopeless today.


I can already feel the internal shifts drastically with QV2.

Im also not feeling much reconciliation on QV2.



Who plans on running the King Leonidas stack:

SpartanZP + ChosenZP



That statement epitomizes how I have been feeling the last few days. I have spent so much of my life not having a clue as to what I should do but I don’t feel that way with Chosen/ALZP . I still don’t at times but I figure things out and act quicker.
Yesterday could have been a way more difficult day but I took it upon myself to get things done . I feel a responsibility to be the best person possible.


Disciplined determined leadership at it’s finest.


Desperation is a very low energy

I’ve been able to get out of depression by myself in the past so I know I’ll be able to do it this time too. I do hope that QZP will be a shortcut tho :wink:

@pacman I’ve always felt a lot of recon with QV2… Well, in the beginning I was running Qv2 the same way I ran Q… 5 days on 2 days off… It might explain a lot :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Given my own experience with ZP so far and reading the experience of other testers all I can say is " buckle up".


if i buy rich qv2 will i get rich qzp or rich qzp crypto on december 1st?

You’ll get the upgrade as soon as it’s available for preview.


@jaguar RICH QZP as an upgrade. With RICH Crypto QZP not sure don’t think so.

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btw something i wanted to ask. a friend of mine had listened to khan st1 and khan st3 weapon x together for 8 months straight a year ago. and i’ve notice he has become more disrespectful and cares only about himself, very individualistic mindset. also is a value leacher and wants to get things from me for free and negotiates deals only in his advantage that are not win win. plus he has become very manipulative. he will do anything to save money, even manipulate others to do that and get things for free from people so he doesn’t pay. is that from khan?

it’s a general question not targeted to brandon only

Hey thanks @GoldenTiger ! I hope so.


I haven’t quite heard it expressed like that. But that makes a hell of a lot of sense.

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