Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Disciplined determined leadership at it’s finest.


Desperation is a very low energy

I’ve been able to get out of depression by myself in the past so I know I’ll be able to do it this time too. I do hope that QZP will be a shortcut tho :wink:

@pacman I’ve always felt a lot of recon with QV2… Well, in the beginning I was running Qv2 the same way I ran Q… 5 days on 2 days off… It might explain a lot :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Given my own experience with ZP so far and reading the experience of other testers all I can say is " buckle up".


if i buy rich qv2 will i get rich qzp or rich qzp crypto on december 1st?

You’ll get the upgrade as soon as it’s available for preview.


@jaguar RICH QZP as an upgrade. With RICH Crypto QZP not sure don’t think so.

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btw something i wanted to ask. a friend of mine had listened to khan st1 and khan st3 weapon x together for 8 months straight a year ago. and i’ve notice he has become more disrespectful and cares only about himself, very individualistic mindset. also is a value leacher and wants to get things from me for free and negotiates deals only in his advantage that are not win win. plus he has become very manipulative. he will do anything to save money, even manipulate others to do that and get things for free from people so he doesn’t pay. is that from khan?

it’s a general question not targeted to brandon only

Hey thanks @GoldenTiger ! I hope so.


I haven’t quite heard it expressed like that. But that makes a hell of a lot of sense.

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This is the wrong thread to ask on.


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No. It’s not from Khan. Many of us (including me) have run Khan. In fact, it was the first title I ran for around 8 to 9 months (1 month per stage for ST1 to ST3 and 6 months for ST4).

I felt incredibly masculine, dominant and sexual running it but never even felt to manipulate or leech from any one. In fact it helped me avoid manipulators and leechers. And build strong frame when it came to family, friends and women I dated.

The only reason I am not running it now is to focus on my health and wealth. Am planning to return to Khan once I gain some minimum amount of abundance in those 2.


I’d respectfully disagree, I’d say if he wasn’t like this before well Khan might have exposed his own ways to exert dominance living off others without contributing himself.

The true gengis khan was kind of absolute total psychotic asshole
so if in his core the dude was a hasshole leech well it might have un"leash"ed that part he had who knows


You said it yourself, my friend. He was like this before.

If it was from Khan, he, myself and everyone’s running Khan would be the same like him.

That doesn’t matter because SubClub doesn’t make subliminals to make a criminal out of you.


I’m glad to hear that. I’ve been running Khan stage 2 for two months now, and I don’t act like a jerk. So far I’m pretty decent with family and friends.

It seems as though some people have had that kind of negative transformation. Not quite sure why…


I’ve yet to run Chosen

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They need more Khan ST1 :grin:


Well of course bro not saying that at all
just saying the sub might have exposed that part of him that he had but is it ONLY Khan hell no that’s not what I’m saying, but it could potentially have open his own pandora box ya know

Like dudes getting mental disorders on the broad day light from psychedelics even tho 100 others are just enjoying the colors they see and some insights

And no bro if you’re conscious enough of yourself a sub won’t ever make you an asshole and as @Lion said those subs won’t make you a criminaol, your friend had it in him

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Absolutely, and maybe some Regeneration along with Elixir. Both of us ran Regen. before running Khan. I suspect it’s negative unresolved stuff that’s coming up for some of these people and distorting what a Khan is…