Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

That’s the reason why I stick with Emperor. You get into those interactions KNOWING you’re the dominant one. I’m wondering what would Emperor + Picard be like.


I’m going to run Limitless ZP while I wait for Dragon Reborn ZP

Sorry for my dumb question. I bought Emperor and Executive Limitless Ultima. When ZP will be here, do I need to buy once again or I will be able to get a free update? BTW, I am gaining a lot of respect from my colleagues and boss and they praise my works, credit goes to Emperor.

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Free upgrade for titles you own


My mistake. It was a 16% raise I received


I meant to respond to your inquiry in the other thread earlier, but it seems to be recon. Zero Point has an inherent healing effect that’s fast acting, deep and profound. This will manifest as “random” thoughts popping up about things that have bothered you, same as Qv2, but without the anger and angst (generally speaking). This individual must’ve left a mark on your life and represents something in the script. It’s a bit hard to explain, but here’s an example:

When I run any Zero Point script that deals with forgiveness, I think of a former friend who manipulated the crap out of me and my social circle to the point where all of us stopped talking for years. By happenstance, I ended up in the same city of one of those friends and we reconnected, realized what was happening to us and dropped that other individual completely. Now, any time the idea of forgiveness is presented, I always think of that person, even though on the surface, I’m completely over him. He’s now become a symbolic representation of my reluctance to forgive ANYONE, lest I find myself manipulated again.

This is ZP’s “truth revealing” effect that I warned everyone about. Be sure that your stack aligns with you. It’s not like you’re going to get terrible recon. Instead, you’ll just realize certain things about who you are deep inside.

That’s why I asked the testers to report on their experiences both good and bad. I want everyone to realize that Zero Point is a dynamic build that aims to deeply change your life.

This is why we were so adamant on making sure you can stack multiple ZP’s, plus your customs. Each ZP title is completely original, with little scripting from another title (outside of the Primer). This is a change from before, where many scripts shared a similar scripting base, with the modules aimed at supporting the title. Where WANTED Qv2 may have had some of Emperor in it, now it’s pure WANTED and if you feel it’s lacking productivity, you can add a title.

This gives you more choice and prevents a lot of recon, since you’re only listening to scripting that aligns with you and what you want.


Definitely explains part of why I have been feeling the way I have the last few days .
I can’t help but feel like people suck but I ignore that a lot but it always backfires on me. I have been seriously hoping that feeling would change the longer I ran Dragon Reborn but it feels like running ZP has forced me to not just face reality but also want to do what’s right. Not that I never did what’s right before but I did struggle with it because literally everyone around me with the possibility of a few select people have always seem to have no problem either fucking people over or take advantage of someone
Dragon Reborn made me very aware of how my behavior , actions , and decisions impact not just me but my family and potentially those around me


I have used sub from another company, one sub costs 500 usd ,spent 3k on them, got moderate result. Here I spent fraction and I already love the community. Look forward to achieve with you all. The owners what I notice listen to others that’s what I really like.


Any idea when the list of all the subs on the preview will be announced?

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Honestly best people here and the founder’s and their passion is amazing. Best thing my brother has ever showed me


In due time


A m a z I n g - p e o p l e - h e r e :sunglasses::blue_heart:


MASSIVE WEEK coming up ! ! carpe diem

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I was another tester and can confirm this to be one of the most powerful aspects of ZP:

It really awakens who you truly are inside and aligns you to your authentic nature with piercing clarity. This to me was the most profound, life-changing part about ZP. Yes, I had some wild experiences similar to those spoken about by other testers and posted on here by Saint. Not much more to add to what’s already been said other than it’s all true and y’all should be hyped.

But again, for me, the most impressive part of this build, even running a seduction sub like WANTED, was that it brought me back to myself. Who I truly am deep down, and what I truly desire from life. I’ve seen it mentioned several times on here that SubClub should release a sub that helps you decide your path and select an appropriate stack. I can assure you that with the power of Zero Point (and some journaling) this will take care of itself. You will see yourself in a clearer light than you ever have before, and you will love and accept what you see.

What @SaintSovereign and @Fire have accomplished here is truly remarkable.


With that being said, AMA


What was your stack and what were the effects of Wanted around the ladies?

Pretty much ran WANTED solo the whole trial, with the exception of a couple loops of DIAMOND.

Got lots of stares everytime I’d go out in public to the point where I got so used to it that it became normal. Girls and guys were EXTRA polite to me. Many girls I noticed were nervous to interact around me. Took the hot/cold games of the coquette to the extreme.

And most importantly: I really stopped giving a fuck about needing any kind of validation from women/getting laid/etc. WANTED really allowed me to enjoy my life and who I authentically am, which ironically made the ladies more interested.


That sounds similar to what I’ve seen on healing journals here. Did you have any recon during the test that lead to you reaching that frame of mind? From what you and other testers have said it seems like if a person truly knows what they want they can get phenomenal results internally and externally. Thanks for sharing your experience.


When I ran WANTED QZP, there were occasions when reconciliation was present. But this is usually very light and very temporary. When compared to Qv2 where recon could last hours, QZP reconciliation lasted maybe half an hour or an hour.

It isn’t very hard hitting either. Just some mild distress and annoyance with how life is due to a desire for a better life.


I’ve been trying to catch up on all these developments during my absence. Wow! Congratulations guys on the success on this! I’m so hyped, especially for RICH. The life changing possibility… and coming at such a critical time in my life too, I couldn’t be more thankful for this honestly. Awesome work from all you testers too, reading your results has been wild and inspiring!

I remember at the beginning that it wasn’t recommended or unnecessary to use zero point with a custom with lots of healing modules. Has this stance changed during the development? I’m just wondering will Dragon Reborn Q not be an ideal sub to run with other zero point titles? I haven’t finished with it and don’t want to stop yet.

It’s interesting some revelations from dragon reborn that I’ve had in the past couple weeks align with some of the themes in zero point, mainly about being true to yourself. Imagining DR on zero point… I don’t know what it would do lol.