Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

ZP customs :ok_hand: :+1:


So all women?


It’s already almost 6 months since we started the trial for Zero Point programs. Can you believe it? It feels equally like they just got here and like they’ve been here forever.


I went back last night (Sunday night) and re-read my private testing ZP journal. The whole thing. Man was I a mess :nerd_face:


That sounds like a pretty good idea. I only rarely feel called to read my past entries.

I’ll take your word for it. You seemed pretty decent from the outside.


Gents cannot see any evidence of Sex and Seduction being released ?. Is this product no longer provided since PS ?

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Plenty of stuff I forgot about. Good stuff. Questionable stuff too haha.

I’m glad I was in that test. Those journals seemed a lot more intimate. I do sometimes wish I could let certain other people read them.


There are still 7 more products to be released in ZP, my friend:


Thanks @Lion keep me posted.

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Dont see iron throne in the list ?

Is Primal Seduction and Iron Throne both merged into Primal Seduction ZP now or will there be a ZP title for Iron Throne?

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merged. i bought ps, psit and psitu… only ps zp
just like i bought smx and smxu… only smx zp
q store will also be like this with many modules…


Currently it is merged but idk if they keep it that way, simply because the big difference in PSITU was that it was without healing.

(Which idk if ZP can even do this, because I think it always heal you to some degree).

I am sure the Chiefs will figure out a way.


smx and smxu are similiar; one had healing.

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I think ZP is more focused on the core script and less broad than Q so it makes sense that there won’t be Iron Throne anymore.

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Must admit I got a bit lucky with this. I only purchased SMXU and PSITU when they came in a special bundle package with a discount. So took advantage of that.

Having said that, I won’t be surprised if down the line we get something similar to what SaintSovereign and Fire are working on with Beyond Limitless which will come out in “booster” form. Maybe some of these products will get that treatment. Possibly the Ultimas.

Have this belief that everyone will be satisfied in the end. I don’t know how. But I have spent enough time over here and am one satisfied customer since SaintSovereign and Fire know how to turn EACH of our investments in their products into MORE VALUE than we ever expected.

@infinite - okay I got a bit carried away here. I know it doesn’t really answer the question but this is my guess regarding the similar products.


Objectives ZP w Support
Objectives ZP wo Support

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Waiting for S&S too
I feel Ps showing some effects now at the end of my second cycle.

Got much healing to do, damn
but its helping, step by step

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Hahah, I can imagine Saint and Fire recording the affirmations themselves. I feel like most of the script would be:

“I will not find ways around the recommendations.”

“I will only use three programs, that is truly all I need.”

“I will stop tagging Saint every hour and use the support hub.”


OMG ! This is funny af :rofl::rofl: