Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)


I start with primal to heal my manhood and then PS for the skills on top.


This is exactly my plan after I will do DR. First Primal, then PS, and Khan after all.


@SaintSovereign in interesting how you say its more skills based in the past i found it more powerful then wanted for attraction.

can you please give more details?

how long have you had this effect?

and to be clear, you are getting a total of 4 hours per day of deep focus?

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Wow this test is awsome its the most on point personality type test ive ever taken even with me second guessing some of my answers :woman_facepalming:t4:Thank you so much for sharing this @SaintSovereign. This is so interesting now I have to read the whole thread probably will take me about 4 days to read 920 replies :open_mouth:

I love this

The mediator reminds me of Renaissance Man which I just finished running wonder if that influenced my test results :thinking: or maybe I’m aligned with that program and just now realizing it.


Don’t do that.

It’s actually 9,946 + 920 … with “Part 1” being closed by the software.

Just scroll around the Personality discussion. Rest of the thread is unrelated.



I believe it started around here



Thank you @Brandon & @Simon you guys are awsome have a great day!



How far off do you think ZP customs are… is it possible we could be making them in the next month or 2?


Bro, they probably have to convert every single modules in ZP :sweat_smile:


They have to rewrite every single module to fit the ZP mold… but that doesn’t mean fire hasn’t been doing that here and there while writing/converting the sub titles to ZP. I imagine it will be a long process but was just curious as to when we could possibly see them

They do also like to surprise us with stuff


SaintSovereign did ask for a couple of testers to test ZP customs. Who knows? Maybe the Q Store doesn’t need a total rewrite but only a few modifications.


Would be fantastic if we could have a mapping of cognitive functions to the titles. Sounds like you are implying Daredevil & TS have a lot of Fe in them. It was less obvious why Limitless for INTJ and not INTP. But, I will gladly take stack suggestions for the types as well.

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How many months was it between the release of QV2 and ZP? Are we due for yet another build upgrade soon? LOL

I’m curious, I came in several months before the transition from QV1 to QV2… How long was QV1 used before QV2 was introduced?

I don’t know who guy is, so I hear Steve Irwin in my head lmao


I believe Q came out in March or so of 2020. I had just bought Emperor around Feburary or so of that year and got Stark when it was released which was the first sub to be released with Q.

I can’t entirely remember when Qv2 came out how. I’m pretty sure it was about a 8 or so months after Q came out.

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Thanks @Brandon!

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The Dark Side > Sex & Seduction

Strong Attractants > The Light Side

Unlimited Power > It’s treason, then…

Senate > ‘right? right?’

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.


:rofl: I was actually also thinking of him when I typed that. (one of my heroes). I also thought of Morgan Freeman. Two people who took over that role of ‘voice of God’ narration of the natural world. Well, Steve was less ‘distant voice of God’ and more ‘I’m in the middle of this thing describing it to you from the inside’.

(sigh…hope this doesn’t trigger the obligatory string of ‘he got hurt being adventurous’ jokes. But, whatever. I really admired that guy.)

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Why would you want that?

Also, Saint said they’re “done” improving the tech for now, and will now focus on other things they kept postponing.

Also, y’all forgot the Ascension Chamber release is planned in 2 days, right???