Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

My first thought was mythology lol… I didn’t know there was a perfume.

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TheEvo Is Ingress Now!


Invictus is actually my favorite perfume, that’s where the name first came from, but it also means “unconquerable” and “undefeated”, which also goes well with my real name because it literally translates to “immortal” in English :stuck_out_tongue:


Curious which type of physical shifting will be present in Khan… Cuz I guess there will be physical shifting in Khan.


I’m looking forward to see what Ascended Mogul and Quantum Limitless ZP have in store for us


Looks like this will be a reality shortly


Oh shit! I was trying to figure out who Lion was. Welcome @Lion!


Because nothing screams " Alpha" more than Lion


Would make good companion for the tigers here.

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other than the prey running away from said lion.


If it’s the female lion sure. Male lions are lazy as fuck


I need to do a deep-dive on this. I’ve been hearing this fact my entire life, but it doesn’t quite add up to me.

(anyway, the image of someone running away from a lion screaming “Alpha” still made me laugh.)


Yeah, it’s more of an urban legend. Or a savanna-an legend.

Nature would not produce something built like that and have it be lazy.

The males focus on protecting territory, on fighting, and on finishing off large game.

The females focus on gathering food (aka ‘hunting’).

But let’s face it. If you’re built like a lion, ‘hunting’ many animals is a bit like picking apples off of a tree.

Edit for source: Are Male Lions Lazier than Females? - Londolozi Blog.


@Lion dude, I’ve had posts where the only people liking it had Lion and Tiger avatars.
You just increased the odds of that happening more often.


Were you running DR ZP?
Lots of avatars were changed in the first month of it’s release.



Haha thanks :pray:

Yup! And am a Leo too.

LOL I must admit that @TheBoxingScientist and @GoldenTiger did cross my mind when changing my name. The forum is practically becoming a circus. In more ways than one :grin:

Yes. Also for a lion to become the leader of his tribe, he has to put in a lot of work which includes fighting the previous king.

Lions can hunt but they don’t need to if they have a pride of lionesses which he earned by being the dominant lion.

Hahaha! The Big Cats always support our wise Simon!

I didn’t run DR ZP at all. Must be ZP itself. @Deadpool made a good point when he said:

So maybe ZP has similar effects with regard to changing the self like DR.


@SaintSovereign Will Emperor Fitness ZP St 2 still be mainly focused on fat loss?

There is also this great clip Dan Peña used for business lessons of the female va the male lion.

Big lesson on overthinking there if I can find it.

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Lol. I realised that I’ve kept that baby polar bear user portrait for quite a while. There was once I used a lion too.

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Last confirmation: khan zp will be released today right?

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That baby polar bear is cute.

Oh. I don’t remember this.

But yeah, the lion is always a cool avatar.

PS: am all out of likes thanks to this thread. More coming soon when it is replenished lol.