Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I think that they might come up with a new male archetype if QZP allows for larger scripts. Maybe a archtype that is a combo of Stark and Emperor or Stark and Khan.

A new Stark/Emperor-like archtype would in my opinion be :bomb::bomb::bomb:


-manifestation without action

literally 1 hour of water sounds and no subliminal messages


Well, we already asked for Stark to developp more masculine characteristic as Tony Stark, the character on which this sub is based is more masculine.

But yeah, they might very well create some new archetypes!

Edit : Am I the only one super excited here? We haven’t had any updates since SaintSovereign told us the next phase is in a more practical environnment and RVConsultant told us some guidelines to run QZP :grin:


I think we’re close… :smirk:

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It HAS to be Ascended Mogul for the public test… so many reasons.


It would need to be a alternative title that is general enough and delivers overall results (also to guard from WANTED/Diamond QZero test files being pirated)

Ascended Mogul.
Self improvement, money generation, romance, a strong foundation sub.


I thought they would of made the current QZP prototypes avaliable for people who have the products.

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I thought hero was the name of a project and not a product as many thought.


Okay, change of time line, rather than waiting a week, please submit a support ticket about this now.

Make sure you describe what you are experiencing:
need for sleep
dreams about things you wouldn’t want to do
dreams about friends
what it is you’re wanting to accomplish
how you would know if you accomplished it
what are the subliminals NOT doing for you
what you are dissatisfied about

Let’s get this sorted so you can feel more fulfilled.


i tried to submit a ticket on that once you told me on my journal

but i faced some error issue i faced before

it says something security error and that i am blocked for some reason i dont know why

it happened before, then i asked @SaintSovereign to fix it for me, then it came back

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Are you still having some sort of “block or security error” when using the support ticket system?

No, I know what the issue is. We’ll look into it. He’s being auto-blocked by our firewall for some reason.


Was confirmed that it will be a product too


Could it be due to location?

I’ve had that issue before twice and I’m leaning towards the theory that it could be due to the location :thinking:

Me and @Budewr live in Middle East (Qatar and KSA, next to each other), and since our governments often block a lot of services and stuff, maybe your firewall is blocking us due to that? :thinking:

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@Invictus i had no problems in the past its a new thing thats been happening once i try and open a new ticket

i go on and write a long ticket about my concern and issues with subs to the support 8 lines or 9 lines or something then when i submit it says error hahahaha :rofl: PAIN

i got discouraged to write support tickets after this happened, ive wrote a couple of times but at the end it gets rejected. and i cant copy paste what i wrote also to save up time to write the same thing over and over


VPN seems solution for that?


Refreshing the page the other day once helped resolve this issue on the support page.


If you are using a proxy whatever mechanism is being used to protect the website might perceive your request as a threat.

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hmmmm that’s weird, does it happen on both phone and PC?

from what I remember, you play games online like league right? if you have any programs installed that are supposed to help with the ping or any VPNs, then they could also be picked up by firewalls, cause I remember there was an NVIDIA application I had before that used to interfere with my bank website and blocked my bank card every time I used my laptop to go on the website.

I don’t really know because I kinda stopped submitting tickets and have discussions here instead :grin:

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