Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I didn’t exactly forget. I would love to run RM or UA in place of Paragon, but I need Paragon. And I need WANTED and Khan as well.

Maybe when the ZP customs come, I will do something about it. Or maybe Khan will help me do whatever I want fearlessly. Including writing.


I really would like Customs to come solve the ZP limit issue…


Or or or, you can do the following:

Cycle 1: Khan st1 + Paragon (total inner and outer healing).

Cycle 2: Khan st2 + UA ZP (or RM) + Paragon (building of your character and chasing those writing goals)

Cycle 3: Khan St3 + WZP + UA ZP (or RM)

Cycle 4: Khan st4 + WZP + Paragon

This is assuming you’re doing 1 cycle per stage, but this way, you’ll get to do all 4 :stuck_out_tongue:


I might jump on the Invictus bandwagon “wanted and khan” :slight_smile:


I’m not gonna be doing either bruv :rofl:

Currently on a washout and gonna stick with Stark ZP as my main, it’s my current favorite sub, and stack it with ME ZP.

Third slot of my stack is usually for “as needed” subs.


I already thought of it. But I think I would be too impatient if I do the cycling routine. Lets see. Maybe I will change my mind. As I do so often these days lol.

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Would stacking Khan with my current stack be fine? I’ve got Rebirth and Stark for now. Just KHAN ST1 as healing?


Yes! Also, customs as short as 15 or 7 or 5 mins? WOAH!

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Normally I would advice against it in the earlier versions of Khan ST1 since Total Breakdown overloads the other titles.

But I think the ZP version of Khan ST1 will be done in a very different way (just as all the ZP healing titles are) that I think your stack will work.

Stark Khan is an old QV2 classic :sunglasses:

I might throw in stage 1 every now and then…

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That’s the essence of Khan, everyone feeling like they have fear holding them back, hesitating to do stuff. Khan will make you bold and just do it.

That’s also why I am always giving a strong recommandation for Khan.


@Ingress might not be a good idea to stack khan stage 1 with stark or rebirth,

This my theory healing subs are very powerful and they tend to override other major subs so it might not be a good idea to stack khan stage 1 unless you want to run it solo.

Khan stage 1 is like demolishing and building a new building in its place. Rebirth would be more like making whats unattractive in the building more appealing to the eye. Whats the point of running rebirth if you are gonna demolish the building ?. I personally would drop rebirth if you are going to run khan stage 1.


@SaintSovereign When the time is right, will you drop a few nuggets of what’s in Khan :heart_eyes: I’m so freaking excited!


@Invictus, @GoldenTiger - hmm am thinking maybe Ascension Chamber LIFEcharger or a creativity-based LIFEcharger could be used with my stack and hence fulfill all my requirements


Interesting. Thank you for the input. I think I’ll finish my current stack and then run Khan St1 solo or wait to see how everyone else is doing on Khan and any other key information.


Or or or
@SaintSovereign will reply to you and tell you that Khan ZP will cover it all anyways, so you might only need to add Paragon ZP to it :stuck_out_tongue:


Talking about Ascension Chamber, I can feel that it is just round the corner.


Bro! That would be a dream come true haha


Is ZP powerful enough to change one’s eye color in under 45 days? That would be appreciated by many.

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Yeah not sure why among the alpha products I feel the best and I have the less recon with Khan (going through the stages) in terms of sexual confidence, body confidence, productivity (stage 3) compared to Emperor where I feel miserable and Stark where I don’t know what to do with all the happiness/extroversion (QV2)