Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Why is that?


I’m also curious to see why as I plan to do a few loops of Love bomb before the end of my 21 days!

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it was you who said that results on zp build up, as far as i remember

and also i have noticed that myself

Interesting. Thank you for sharing.

Yeah, I’m wondering about it too. Seriously, I have had hesitations on it before since it hit my subconscious hard, and recon came on quickly–in Qv2. Since ZP is so narrowed down and missing many modules which may have brought that recon, I’m curious how I’ll feel around others.

I didn’t do much at all the few times I used Qv2, but damn, some around me WERE affected, one being a pretty rough local guy I’ve worked with. He was unusually kind to me the day I listened. Like super supportive work-wise, and excited about being cooperative and giving that day. I was quietly like “W…T…Heck??” LB shined that day.


I keep thinking Limit Destroyer ZP will be amazing


Truth be told I purchased several titles the last year and never had a chance to give them a proper try (or listen at all) because of my 2 customs. I’m so happy to finally be able to rotate titles more easily with ZP.


I’m more in a small toss-up about what to listen to next listening day. Speaking honestly, I’m wondering “do it to help others?” or “do it for me?” (Confessions in Codependency)

And I’m remembering the Emperor mindset: do it for me. Love Bomb definitely.

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You have to be the best version of yourself, not only for your success, but also for others :wink:


That’s the most encouraging thing I’ve heard all day @GoldenTiger. Thank you :slight_smile:


It’s interesting that this hasn’t clicked for many people yet. Not putting you down at all there, I know many don’t realize it but it’s weird to me.

Just look at the media. Is there ever anything positive? Anything encouraging to people?
Or is it only negative? Ruining your mood and putting you down? While 90% of it has absolutely no impact on what you do on a daily basis?

I stopped watching the news 2 years ago. I never felt better!


Fully agree with this, most of society is in fear mode atm. But living in constant fear is not sustainable, and we are witnessing that in society atm where people are waking up from that deep sleep.

Love trumps all, when in the love frequency we automatically do what we know to be right. Rules are created for those who want to rule others. The way out is in, that’s where your truth is.


Imagine when Saint releases Primal phewwww


What i never understand is people i know seem enjoy reading anything that is dark or gruesome like the new covid 19 virus kills X number of people or devil worshippers in the Vatican etc. Then they say look at the world is coming to and end its terrible. All they need to do is stop reading this shit.


True, but we are on our own journeys of discovery. Who knows that might have been me in another lifetime.

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Yeah, it’s been like this for decades, looking back. Saint asked what is communicated constantly? Fear, and nothing less. That’s why I haven’t watched news in 30 years, as even as a youngster, my mom always had the news on peddling fear to anyone willing. News is still doing that, but in the last 20 years, it’s been pushing it much more aggressively. Even watching it for 5 minutes depresses my mood, mixing anger and helplessness. News isn’t news anymore, it’s low-dose shock treatment for our minds.


I have a question about my stack tomorrow. I’ve been running Chosen primarily, I’m pausing Regeneration, and I added Rebirth 2 days ago. I’m considering running LB with Rebirth tomorrow since I don’t want to miss out on Rebirth’s offering. I’m throwing this out wondering if I would be missing anything.

I’ll do Chosen or LB solo the following listening day.

Mhm, I can watch the news today without being affected that much because I’m in a high vibration. But it used to bring me down a lot when I was younger, so I threw my TV out 6 or so years ago.

What has helped me is studying a lot of psychology, and also studied a lot of copywriting for years. It made me aware when it’s being used against me so that I could practice discernment.

Also fear is compromising your immune system if you are in that mode for too long. I’ve noticed that it’s all backwards in this world, the villains are the one portraing themselves as the heroes :joy: I say I’m the biggest celebrity in my life :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: