Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Welp, another one to add on the evergrowing list of subs that need to be run

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It’s getting harder to keep my stack consistent lol


Can love heal better than Regeneration or Rebirth?

Not sure, but I don’t think Love Bomb’s focus is on healing to be honest.

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Considering if you don’t love yourself you might outright reject deeper emotional healing targeted by regeneration due to a feeling of not being worth it.

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For the people that didnt get anything out of the ultima (and with any other aura sub), you reckon ZP will change that?

Self love, self respect and all have always been an issue for me. I don’t do stuff for me, Khan in the past helped me a lot with the healing, which helped me but after my depression, I feel like. I’m back to square one, no value.

That’s why I was interested in the power of love and the healing in can do :wink:


I’d definitely consider stacking it with RebirthZP or RegenZP or BothZP (lol)
I bet ParagonZP would be good as that would work any of the physical pathways used for the aura stuff.

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Yes, but it’s easier for some than others.

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So you’re from Germany? :wink:

I know that autocorrect issue very well!

On another note, how the hell is every new sub better than the last you guys release?



@SaintSovereign So Love Bomb ZP today?
I need that. I have been in such a bad mood recently.


I have been meaning to read that book and his other one for a while now. I have watched interviews with him and he is one of the most chill people I have ever seen

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Love Bomb ZP is one I would love to see run by @subliminalguy



Currently, humanity operates based on fear (lower consciousness scale).

Imagine everyone would operate based on love (higher consciousness scale).



Hey @James , if I remember correctly you were running Chosen before GLM and then that’s when the problems started (according to what I’ve seen from your recent posts). Do you think going back to Chosen, for the time being, could help?

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That’s what I’m going to do later today .

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More important than Regeneration or Dragon Reborn

Absolutely. Self love is a serious weak point for me as well. I’ve dealt with it over the years mostly by just avoiding and plowing on ahead. But I’m realizing how much it limits my quality of life.

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Hahaha edited it xD

I thought aura manifestation was mental!

It’s hard to tell because over the course of the years, I’m oscillating between doing shit, being active and being happy and liking what I am building to just wanting to kill myself. I don’t know if I can stabilize something for the long term, like the positive side, not the negative one.

I’ll try Love Bomb, currently testing different stacks see which one fits me good :slight_smile:


you should really read his book “love yourself” book and apply it immediately. the content of the book applied with Love Bomb ZP must be amazing. just applying the teachings of the book on a constant basis will blow any kind of depression away. at first you will find it difficult to tell yourself that you love yourself but after awhile it will just fill you up with bliss and you begin to constantly smile.
I think it is the best medicine against depression.