Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

So I have 4 reasons laid as to why recon on ZP appears (don’t take my word for it thought :wink:);

1- if we are not fully letting the sub express itself (eating junk food on Spartan, playing games like LoL on GMX, trying to solve an impossible question in a subject you never even studied on Limitless).

2- if we keep having higher expectations from a sub and cause ourselves to get disappointed (leading to dissatisfaction from the sub and feeling the “discontentment” type of recon).

3- if we keep forcefully using a sub that doesn’t gel with who we are at our core (subconscious resistance).

4- if we overload (duh).

What do you guys think about this :thinking:?


Not sure about this one, I think this is more “disappointment” rather than reconciliation.

But for the rest :

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Disappointment → hopping from sub to sub or getting angry.


I think a distinction needs to be made between recon vs overexposure. Recon can manifest at lower loops too and sometimes running another sub can help. Its a product of the more emotional level of things. Sometimes your mind needs to be bumped up a little to continue operating in the direction you want. But overexposure is usually a mentally taxing event. Meaning listening to another program might not help or if it helps in the short term it might be temporary. Once it settles and hits you the next day as more heavy processing on top of what you did the prior days. It can be very delayed and throw you off.


Would love to read this - your WANTED argument was on point, and clearly resonated enough to influence the ZP testing. I think it’s a great idea


It would be weird for it to be like “how can I become an alpha leader” and you start carving a path towards “I wanna be a loser”

I’d assume if you think results are literally reverse you’re in the middle of intense recon, I had it too yesterday.

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Guys why is it not possible to run 1x ZP followed by 1x Qv2?

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I wonder what this stack would be like
Heartsong zp
Lovebomb zp
Dragon reborn zp

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When I’ve got time I’ll post one. Among other things Heartsong would best test stack rotation.

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Nearly halfway through the first cycle of WANTED ZP. It’s been a positive experience so far, and out of all the subs I have run over the years, this has been the best. I have had barely any reconciliation at all, and have managed to remain productive thus far. The only downside, I was worried about the hunger and eating so much food, but today my appetite seems to have returned to normal and I’ll resume my 2 meals and sometimes a snack within 6 hours to help lean out more.

I’ve been running wanted (x2 loops), every other day. Next cycle, going into January, I’ll most likely run chosen (x1 loop), and wanted (x1 loop), every other day. I think chosen is the one for me, I might even run it solo, but I’ll wait closer to the time.


As Saint said they’re thinking about introducing two loops a week pattern I would consider running two titles interchangeably one of them every other day (and switch to the other in two days, repeat). I’ll be doing some more testing using the recommended pattern but for now, it seems to me that the pattern I mentioned is the most plausible.

Looking into how we can add more information on each title to the store, including ease of use, more objectives, etc. Almost like a “data sheet” of sorts.


I just made a monstrosity of a creation. A five-minute, ridiculously overpowered to the point where I’m afraid to even run it, ZP version of Chosen. Maybe I’ll get the nerve up to test it. Maybe DIAMOND? :wink:


If you need any willing subjects, let me know. I would play it solo, once a week if need be.

is AM zp close to completion :slightly_smiling_face: @SaintSovereign

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I will run this. Hit me up

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I would be up to try out the Diamond one

I’d run R.I.C.H. of that lol


I am on My run of Chosen next if you need a tester for this 5 min version I be up for it.

The Sales Pages are gonna be lit :ok_hand:

More inspiration for us especially for those who love to read them for motivational purposes :+1:

Like me :slight_smile: