Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Possibly bizarre take:

I am literally paying hundreds of dollars to get expertly-designed, reliable, highly effective placebos. That’s what I want. Does that person think we’re here to buy pharmaceutical products?

These products make surgically precise use of the power behind the placebo effect: mind-power, and the power of deep intention and belief.

All subliminals do. But then the question is: “why do the subliminals here seem to work more effectively than others?”

Eat your vegetables, troll. Then do your homework.

:joy: Better yet, play a few loops of Limitless ZP to up your troll game. Then try again.


One of my favorite journals ever.

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Possibly bizarre feedback:

Pew pew! :wink:

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Did anyone here experienced headache on rest day?

He must buy another copy what he is thinking of doing is a crimimal act.

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Just take a pain killer and bobs your uncle.

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@James i just think you need electric shock therapy or get a priest to exorcise those demons out of your head.

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Don’t forget that the ZP Primer in all ZP titles will automatically amplify results from Qv2 by a magnitude.


@Sage_Ninjistic no need to apologize my friend :slight_smile:

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About that placebo shit. I started using this company’s subs when I was at one of the lowest points of my life. I started with Ascended Mogul and I have been very transparent about the results.
Did I make more money using AM? Nope! I didn’t take any action either so…
Did AM absolutely annihilate a deep lifelong anxiety that I was living with? Yes! In a few months.
For over close to half of my life I would always wake up in the morning with a mild to strong sense of impending doom. Some mornings I would wake up in panic about my life and my future. No sub or meditation had been effective in fixing that. Until AM.
At some point, I realized that this feeling of impending doom that I used to wake up with every morning was no longer there. It never returned.
People can call that a placebo if they want to, I know the benefits that I got from that sub. And don’t even get me started on Emperor. Placebo or not, I got benefits that made a difference in my life.


He’s not thinking of doing that, he’s asking… And it’s a genuine question, some creators add that it’s ok to let people of the same family use it. (As written word can be misleading, just know there’s a non-offensive tone to what I’m writing)

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Thank you for mentioning this. In regards to that, check the product description page.

As a general rule, set up a separate account for the person you wish to make a purchase for, or have your partner (or family member or friend) set up their own account.


Please keep in mind everyone that as amazed as you might be from any results, subliminals are NOT intended to be used in place of professional medical care, treatment, or advice.

If you think you have a condition that requires medical attention, please seek it out from qualified professionals.


How I can use elixer ultima V2

With my stack now I only use rich and paragon ? !

My current is

Paragon *2 loops back to back
Rest day

Rich *2 loops back to back
Rest day


Changed thanks @Tomcat :sweat_smile:

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I finally found a way to describe the Looming recon I’ve mentioned in my journals, nice. I’m glad the anxiety is in the past.


I was thinking a lobotomy would be sufficient


I know exactly what you mean . i have felt like that since probably early 2015. Nothing has felt right. Everything has felt almost depressingly serious no matter what the situation is. Void of any humor or self awareness

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There is NO Elixir Qv2 :rofl: Ultima v2!

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Will do! (Diez Charmanders)

I would quote my other ‘have you guys noticed’ question, but alas.

Have you guys also noticed far less anxiety about deciding whether a title is for you?

For example…uhhh… I forget what i was considering but let’s say Sage Immortal vs Renaissance Man (ZP)

I’m finding that I have far less turbulence inside about thinking about switching something out for something else more in line with me.