Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

This is about to turn into a debate between materialism and panpsychism, and that’s not what this thread (or even this forum, though we’ll allow discussion in The Emperor’s Lounge) is for. Let’s get back on topic. QZP.


Just made the thread. Thank you for reminding me.


Thank you for creating new technology and top notch products.


As I said before I get no recon with zp except dreams. But my dreams are getting way too uncomfortable, i know my subconscious is trying to work through stuff but I feel like I can’t even have a good time sleeping after a hard day now. Anything I can do to fix this?

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So, I’m finding with using this new technology that I don’t necessarily have to fall asleep to ‘bloom’ so to speak, simply relaxing my conscious thought process and Being, and allowing things to run as they will through my head is very beneficial.

This relaxation triggers what I spoke of yesterday, the inner visions. Others, including Saint, have spoken of certain things coming into their mind and playing over and over.

My experience is similar, but, it isn’t centered around traumatic experiences as much as (theory from this point forward) I’m being shown things from a different angle.

It just happened to me so luckily it’s fresh. I find myself in scenes and activities that I normally wouldn’t allow myself to be a part of.

And it’s gone…

But yeah, the underlying theme I’m finding with these… Moments… Is that my “whatever” is leading me to new ways of seeing certain things that, upon me allowing myself to come back, are processed preeetty quickly.

One thing about it that remains is that I feel myself pulled more and more and more into the scene and there’s a point my brain is like ‘HOLE UP THERE NOW, SKRRRT’, and I panic and fly back to myself.

Honestly, less exposure is the only immediate solution. If you’re running just one title, try doing one loop on listening days instead of two. After about two weeks, ZP really “settles down,” and becomes much more transparent. It’s just that initial hit that causes the WOOOW factor – good or bad. In fact, once you become accustomed to ZP as a whole, even new titles are much much smoother.


After 2 loops of WZP yesterday, last night it felt like I dreamt non stop, but not the usual types of dreams as they seemed really focused. The best way I can describe it is that it felt like I was dreaming from the centre of my forehead. Really weird, but not unpleasant.


I do want to admit that it is a bit challenging at times to get out of the habit of having to set aside segments of the day to listen to subliminals.

I think the mindset is essentially, “I have to listen to these titles as much as I did before, because that’s how it has worked and thus that’s how it is.”

The ‘challenge’, which is a strong word, isn’t nearly as difficult as it was with previous builds, particularly Q. That’s likely in part because of the fact that I’ve followed the recommendations SINCE Qv2.

Edit: the ‘challenge’ does not last long at all

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Well that’s quite a peticular description

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Could it be because you feel some subttle things that make you think it’s enough with what you do ?

You were asleep and yet conscious of the fact that you were dreaming, and where it emanated from?

Yes. Definitely. I’m one of the ones that do feel the input as it occurs. I also listen to myself a lot. There is a sense now that you mention it.

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Sometimes, I’m jealous of ya’ll. Some of the responses that everyone’s getting, including the testers, are far beyond what I get on ZP. For me, ZP feels like a very strong sub, with either some melatonin or a caffeine shot. Then, I sleep and when I wake up, I get the perceptual shift and the feeling that my life has changed for the better.

Then @openmind dreams out of his damn third eye, and other people are astral projecting and stuff. The sadness I get reading those responses, rofl.


No, not really. It was just a thought I had the second I woke up. The dreams just kept going for what felt like the entire night, but no recollection of the dreams, as it seemed to be more processing related. Like really obscure stuff that made sense while I was dreaming it from my third eye but makes no sense when waking up, so I did not remember it all.

The previous night I had some powerful dreams too which I did remember when I woke up, but they felt different.


I think you guys are onto something with ZP. There seems to be a lot of changes going on, but in a voluntary, non forceful way. I can feel some strong shifts happening already, only on day 4.


Me too. I’ve just accepted that ZP will likely take time to get me “there”


I won’t go too deep into this, but trust me when I say this is the truth right there and I know that for a fact based off what happened recently and how Saint and Fire really really are listening to customer feedback and helping us with our goals.

They well and truly are helping me towards changing my life and I know that for a fact. Not just my own, but everyone’s here and the people around used (since the subs help alter our reality and change the way people interact with us.


I came to this same conclusion about my experiences recently about twenty minutes ago.

Kinda neato.

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Sometimes I get really frustrated because I feel that being almost entirely deaf in my left ear , having ADHD and the difference in brain chemistry , or unresolved trauma is keeping me from getting the results other people have.
I have told numerous people that I know I’m intelligent but that something is blocking me from accessing it. Why do people catch on to things so quickly while I’m thinking wtf?
Do I just run Limitless ZP , Regeneration ZP together or by themselves to see what happens?
Paragon ZP?


You and I don’t speak often, but I read a lot of things on here. You’ve never struck me as ‘dumb’ or whatever. In fact… I’ve never met a single person with your skill in sarcasm that isn’t intelligent. So.