Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Yeah, I go to Tim on occasion and sometime watch some matches with my friends :rofl:

I’m more of a Maple Syrup kind of guy!!


At that point I wish I could just live 2 lives at the same time to try other stack with CHOOSEN
WHY LIFE… why am I not able to do such things !!!

Canadian Maple :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


As we are nearing Wednesday, and the hype train changes from a locomotive to a bullet train, I wish you all happy listening when you finally download your ZP files.

Remember to read the support article again for further instructions and cautions.


Was wondering I should run Wanted ZP in my stack because of the physical shifting - I guess Chosen ZP is enough.


Chosen’s physical shifting is targeted, WANTED’s physical shifting covers a much broader spectrum.


Oh man! There goes my pure healing stack month out of the window :joy:

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Could always run Spartan ZP for physical shift too… which i am sure it will have some in there

l will look at the sales copies before making my decision…

But definitely I will run CHOSEN.

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Questioning my stack again now that I’ve read Chosen’s objectives.

I definitely need and want R.I.C.H and Sage for other goals/objectives.

But do I choose Chosen or WANTED. I have the latter (of course).

It was more the high status and positive vibes of life that were necessary for me.

This mainly what made me question myself.

God damnit, what do I chooseeeeeeee D:

My goal for WANTED/Chosen were to build a good concept of self and being positive/happy etc. Ensuring I have the love for myself that I want, whilst knowing I can do what I set my mind to.

I wanted WANTED to help with my physical shifting/love life/mysterious vibes. Damnittttt.


I know this is not the suitable thread to discuss this.

But please explain the signs :grin:

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I’ll definitely test this, if it give my game design/development skills a joint then I’ll know for sure


I like how you put that.

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It’s actually going to be in 12.5 hours from now. Remember, it’s eastern time. Right now, it’s 11:31 Eastern time.

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Am i right in saying this is emperor minus the sex mastery and empire building scipts ?

Have you tried to test before and after doing Dual N Back? That possibly could be a way empirically prove that it work.

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Dat objective list though :lips:

Well. After my rant, I went to sleep with 3 loops of my testers copy of Wanted QZP MKIV.

Just now woke up ready to punch the day in the butthole


Dual N Back trains the working memory. There may be some improvement, but probably not representative since intelligence is too broad to measure this way. Even a proper IQ test can give inaccurate results since people can train to do well on those.