Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Those who were testing were given the files directly

PS: I opted out of testing CHOSEN. But will definitely be purchasing it. And even if I tested it, the main store version will always be superior to the test version since it will have some additions for sure.


I can’t wait to read the sales pages for Limitless ZP and Regeneration ZP


I know what you mean. I don’t like sports, but there’s something to be said about being there in person, with thousands of screaming fans, and munching on popcorn, and drinking a ginormous soda.
The emotions are contagious. They’re even intoxicating at times.


It does – we refined some of the scripting to make it easier to run.


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Chosen is literally the greatest Title ever ever ever, this program is absolutely fantastic. It will bring so much good to people.

Thank you for providing this to the world. So much goodness! I’m in tears, so much gratitude and joy… it’s absolutely unbelievable… and I’m not even running it yet but I swear I’m noticing the effects. Quantum mechanics.

On the higher planes, it already happened.


Will the same thing happen with RICH ZP


It’s cool because Chosen is a title that’s good for US (pronoun, mean the person communicating and at least one other person) and also for PEOPLE AROUND US!

It’s different than all other subs, which mostly is beneficial for the person running it (except diamond, it seems diamond is good for the partner :grin:)


Sports are a way to re-enact tribal warfare. The tribes are the spectators and the team are the warriors. To the winning warriors goes the spoils. Both the booty and…booty.

And that’s why the “tribe” cheers their “warriors” during these occasions cause such tribalism is deeply ingrained in us.

Can understand the Instinct.


I know after 90 days of waiting 17 hours should be nothing, but this feels like when you have to pee and your ability to hold it goes down the closer you get to the restroom :smirk:

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Am pretty sure it will be so for all titles.

You mean for the world, not just the United States…

I means us, like the word, not USA hahaha, I’m canadian btw


It may take a bit for us to rewrite the pages – if necessary. Some of the titles don’t need rewrites for the copy, just the addition of the objectives.

Also, we’re currently working on the “Introduction to Zero Point” support article to help everyone understand what to expect. Zero Point has a few “quirks.” For example, some titles are easier to “feel” and detect than others. CHOSEN’s results are undeniable. You’ll just feel it working. Better moods, more inspirational speech, people being incredibly drawn to you, etc.

Same with WANTED and DIAMOND, especially if you have a regular sexual partner. DIAMOND is just… crazy.

Limitless on the other hand, is a bit more elusive, because you don’t just “feel” heightened cognition as you would a bigger… member. You will have a sense that you’re just smarter, but since there’s no easy empirical way to prove it, you’ll have to look a bit more for the signs.


I wonder if it is possible to unlock photographic memory now? :thinking:


You and your Tim Horton’s and Hockey Night in Canada


This world needs more Light (Love) and Chosen provides that.

I can’t even believe this I just manifested the craziest thing EVAAA. So, I ordered a jacket and pants online but I realized the jacket was going to be too small so I wanted to decline my order or change it around but I called the company and it was already too late. They literally told me it was already too far in the order processing phase.

Now, you are not even going to believe this…

I just had a mail in my inbox stating that the company wishes to apologize because it only contains one of the two items I ordered. The jacket apparently, is sold.

LOL! I’m not even running the program yet and reality is bending already. Alpha et Omega you guys, the Heavens are answering our prayers.


what I am really looking forward is the subconscious learning part…love it to death…can I assume that All the QZP titles have that aspect ?

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I feel like the aura in ALZP is impacting how my cat reacts to me. Definitely more affectionate


The cat believes you are the chosen one!