Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Dragon Reborn ST4 ZP might be the best healing tool of all time.


As if DR ST4 already wasn’t one of the GOATs.


Was it a positive or negative feeling?

Hmm… Does this make us in this forum feel like just words occupying the screen to you?

Depends on the title. I get it with R.I.C.H., but Limitless makes me sleepy for awhile.


It’s external validation.

But we’re raised in a society to think exactly like that. Keeping up with the Joneses.

We put our self-worth on what OTHER people think of us.

VERY bad mindset that almost everyone needs to overcome these days.


Happened to me on the VERY first ever ZP loop.

First 10-15 minutes: Tingling sensation in arms and legs. Body temp rising a bit.
30 Minutes in: Glitches in peripheral view, as he said, colors became more vivid, I also think my perception widened, pretty much like in the scene @James posted there from Limitless (I had a similar effect on Limitless QV2 once already (maybe I should run Limitless ZP?)

Also I was listening to an old playlist of mine. CONSTANT goosebumps. DEEP felt emotions of JOY. Nah, joy is not enough. BLISS. The testers remember the first ever post I made in my testing journal. It was just a shower of joy and love lol


This sounds almost exactly like Eckhart Tolle’s description of letting go of his Ego in the Power of Now. Great stuff!

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Bots :upside_down_face:

The effect is gone now though

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I’m sorry if this was discussed, but is Chosen unisex?

Yes it is unisex


What were the results on the Paragon ZP test?
Or could someone please direct me to the post/thread-didn’t catch it

I don’t think Paragon was tested, as far as I know.

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Awesome news for those of us who live in Europe


few more hours to go… i can’t wait to use it

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You might want to re-check timezones :wink:

Yeah it wasn’t, which surprised Saint afaik haha

To be fair, I am looking forward to testing it at some point, but now I need to focus on money first :wink:

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i live in asia so 2 days tops hahaha

I’m intrigued by Limitless review. Has anyone in the test can compare it to Stark in terms of cognitive enhancements? That’s the main reason why I use Stark…

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While some have reported

Did you have any “false memories” ? As in remembering things that you didn’t know or encounter before running ZP.

Speaking of Time Zones, what’s the official time zone that SubClub are operating with? Pacific/Mountain/Central/Eastern?


So, basically, no Qv2 and ZP loops on SAME day. Okey, got it.