Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I think Emperor ZP will come before any of those other subs and hopefully the first after the preview is released


It is but I want to build on what Chosen does just as when it’s upgraded I will run EOG ZP with RICH ZP to make wealth an inevitability

Add HOM ZP to that



The Previews are coming after the November End Holiday Week.

Main Releases may only happen after the December End Holiday Week.

So, in 2022.

Not so soon.


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Better than not coming at all

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That just sound soo amazing!
I wonder, what the price increase will be on EOG or other multistagers?

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haha yeah I realized that soon after. Got carried away by the excitement

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I’ve been thinking that with QZP the saying of this sub is in this sub will have to change, I might be completely wrong but QZP does require focus so the scripts that are in another would be rewritten completely.
Would like to hear what @SaintSovereign and @Fire would say about this

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I feel like if I decided to run Sage Immortal ZP and Regeneration ZP that I would eventually get to the point where nothing bothers me. Especially add in Dragon Reborn ZP when it comes
At the point take on Regeneration ZP and add Chosen ZP .
An emotionally mature and stable leader. What or how I imagine @Malkuth is every day


If I remember correctly, a primal seduction man have to fuck well :ok_hand:


@GoldenTiger, Emperor ZP will be a very important title.

Remember that the main working principle of Emperor was the same as that of Zero Point.

:asterisk: "Complete Dominion over Your Reality" :asterisk:

It is possible that before Zero Point, Emperor was never able to fully express itself.

There may be good reason to be hyped for when it is finally unleashed upon the world.



Exactly. Reading what @OldChap and @Yardbird experienced while running the original version of Emperor as well as what the ZP testers have experienced makes me feel Subliminal Club may be on the verge of rewriting history


Imagine having the mindset of Marcus Aurelius ? When I think of running Emperor ZP and Chosen ZP that’s who comes to mind


A Stoic’s Stoic for sure

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Very interesting! I used to play with cognitive functions using self hypnosis. Using suggestions I was able to instruct my subconscious to use my Ne. The result was that my Ne become so obvious and trumped my dominant cognitive function. It was very cool experience, I see how entp can be accidentally sarcastic and how I am ‘naturally’ very witty. There is also an urge to break routine way of doing things and change it, or play with patterns…

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Add in Sage Immortal ZP then definitely

Yeah, but I thought every other titles were also helping you shape your reality.

Stark and Khan uses part of Emperor that I know of :thinking:

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Now wait a moment, how did you arrive at this conclusion…


@RVconsultant @Lion That’s actually part of the lyrics for the Dimmu Borgir song
Progenies of the Great Apocalypse :

Discover and conceive the secret wealth
And pass it unto your breed
Become your own congregation
Measure the sovereignty of its invigoration


Power & Scope

Have you noticed how members say they can’t focus on dating goals on x subs, or financial goals on y subs?

Emperor is the only sub that can bring the full power of SC magic, and apply it to any type of goals.

It is a tiger … that most of us can ride.




In Sage Immortal, there are elements of Secret Source & Secrets of Akasha custom modules??

I have Sage Immortal as possibly something to add to RICH QZP.

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