Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Since the preview is still a week out and now is a good time to get some of the titles that will get a QZP version, would it be wise to already do 1 loop every other day of the Qv2 version and then replace them with the QZP version next week/coming weeks? Or would you guys recommend going in fresh?

Was that 3 loops in a week?

More like 10 days

Thank you!
Did you listen to 3 loops of the same title in a day or 3 different titles?

Saint should we run ZP stack before or after our QV2 custom stack ?

This isn’t in Chosen. People aren’t “submitting,” they’re choosing you to lead them.

Unfortunately, you should probably shouldn’t run CHOSEN in this case. The script is 90% focused on being that chosen leader.


My stack was:

Chosen and RICH ZP, 1 loop each, on ZP days.
Custom bodybuilding sub for 1 loop, on Qv2 days.

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Not in the same day :sweat_smile:


Hmm,so alternating between QV2 and ZP days.thats interesting.If all zp,then all on the same day or still 2 and 1?Still felt the zp’s affecting your custom even on different days?


One Question, Saint aand a few other users say they experience Recon with the learning subs. I Do as well, its a ridged, fidgety easily irritated feeling. They definitely work though. But has anyone run Limitless ZP who has the Recon from limitless/QL/Stark etc. and described what it’s like?

@Invictus so basically rotate them ?

Monday: Emperor Custom
Tuesday: Wanted ZP
Wednesday: Emperor Custom

Rinse repeat

Saturday and Sunday day off

think might be this one

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This would be best answered by @SaintSovereign
But from what I can tell, you run 2 on one day, then off day, then the third one on third day, off day, then repeat.

And yes, I could feel my custom’s effects becoming stronger, to the point where I was convinced that ALZP (Chosen) had physical shifting :rofl:


Nah don’t do this man, it will feel too much.

I’m pretty sure Saint will post the listening pattern when the public preview is live (since he’s been very serious about it), but basically it’s what you said with days off between each listening day.

So you listen every other day, but also rotate every other day.

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Ah yes I understand that in chosen’s concept, the whole sub is about that

But my question was about alpha subs in particular like Emperor and ascension, cause they seem to share some aspects from chosen

And that if i have no interests in certain traits that those subs offer , like for example being a leader of people and being an authority and a figure

And how would QZP affect that also? Cause i read idk if its true or not correct me if im wrong. that QZP offers more of that “not influencing your subconscious with the beliefs of the people whos doing the script” w

Does chosen have full scripting for developing all the virtues for life?

Are there any other subs like chosen dropping so that is full newly Built with zp?

Also when droping a full qv2 stack to do a full zp stack what can someone expect?
@Fire @SaintSovereign

The new version is technically QZP.

When you hear ZP or QZP from now on when we are talking about the new subliminal build, we are referring to QZP.

People find it easier to refer to it as ZP. And also Zero Point (ZP) is the game changer although Q (Quintessance) is no small feat of work either.


Q + ZP = QZP (Quintessance Zero Point)

Q was the previous tech. We had Qv1 (simply called Q) and then we had Qv2

Then ZP was discovered and added to Q tech.


What is the difference?

One works just for attracting women and the other will also get you respect from heterosexual men as well, is this correct?

Are there any other differences?

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Will those who own Beyond Limitless Ultima also have acces to Limitless QZP?


I ran a custom Ultima as part of my ZP stack. The combination was extremely potent, much more so than with my custom Q, although that may be partly because Chosen aligned better with my custom Ultima.