Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

It is but there is always an almost unnecessary amount of planning and detail that goes into it for some insane reason


Ok I’m going to be submitting one sometime today with some questions I’ve got. Hopefully doesn’t get too complex.

Guys, were witnessing history being made right here! This is so freaking hypee!


Ah right makes sense I suppose.

We don’t have it over here so guess we don’t know that it could clutter up the week for people and keep everyone busy haha

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Send it to me directly. Don’t overthink it, though. Q and QZP are remarkably compatible as long as you follow the pattern. QZP also boosts the hell out of Qv2, hence why you don’t have to run it as long.


For me, it’s more about cleaning up and rearranging things. I have a large house and I utilize the space in a very particular way. For example, we have the music / audio studio downstairs, but I also have another ridiculous workstation upstairs for when I don’t feel like sitting alone, equipped with a standing desk and “floating” monitors on stands. It’s great for productivity, because I can just go from room to room and work, but it’s not the best for having company over because it takes up a lot of space. Every room in the house is like this: the space is used to increase productivity, given there’s only two of us (me and the lady) here.


So if Libertine is released during the preview, I’ll have the option of choosing non-ultima version? Or will that come later? @SaintSovereign

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All titles in the preview are non-Ultima. We haven’t really tested an Ultima-powered Zero Point. ZP was so damn hard to balance that we didn’t want to add the difficulties that comes with Ultima.


I thank you, and my ears thank you!


will QZP be only Solace or also have a ultrasonic track? Since Solace is very nice on the ears and runtime is 15min only, I guess ultrasonic won’t be necessary anymore.


We did have ultrasonic-only versions right up to the final test, so the final product will have it too.


Ultrasonic included. We’re just phasing out the legacy mask in major titles. The legacy mask is still the default on the Q store, as there’s A LOT of processing that goes into creating a nice sounding Solace subliminal when creating a custom.


I think I’m more hyped for QZP than I even was for the first iPhone. :star_struck: This will be a very long week to wait until the final release. :sweat_smile:


Lemme know if QZP Ultima ever needs a tester. I think I’ve proven I can (mostly) follow instructions


@SaintSovereign for those of us from the test group, can we run our ZP subs again?

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I just ran DR1 + Wanted QZP MK IV today. Great effect. Will journal once I’m around WiFi. Phone screens suck

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so I assume that’s a yes :sweat_smile: :joy:?

If the test was declared as over it means they don’t collect data anymore, which means you are free to do what you want :ok_hand:


Good point. Now about to run WANTED once again :slight_smile:


Hahahaha, it was that good?