Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I think if anything ZP should be used to answer whether it can open up new possibilities. Saint mentioned Paragon Sleep wasn’t feasible to release due to certain side effects. Might ZP solve that?

Paragon Sleep would be a MASSIVE gamechanger for me personally.

So He really DID come back :pray:t3::grimacing:

There’s a line between awareness and fixation.

Awareness of an issue/goal is not indicative of fixation or obsession.

I dare say, no one can be too self aware. As being aware of self is quite a bit of how we evolve and change.

Disclaimer: this includes literally no mental ‘illnesses’, and is only a response to JCast, not a debate.

I wonder if too much self-awareness might lead to a person spending too much time “in their head” and too little time actually experiencing life. I’m “guilty” of this as well.

All depends on the context, I suppose. Self-reflection and observation do indeed lead to personal growth. And help with that nasty foot-in-mouth syndrome. :slightly_smiling_face:

Most things are best in moderation.

I believe Saint will forgive me for telling you that the biggest of those side-effects also occurred for me (and him) while testing ZP.

So much power in such a pretty little package…


This test is definitely exceeding expectations. It’s too early to determine whether ZPS or ZPPF is better, but they seem to be producing completely different results. Very excited right now.


Wow seems like we getting the needle moving, hope these test bring some greater build

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If the test is successful and you guys decide to build titles based on that, just build an Emperor version of it and I’ll love you forever.
Emperor is my go to sub.


Cant wait for a emperor version

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Y’all, I already mentioned that it would be awhile before we started converting titles to Zero Point. The scripts have to be rewritten from scratch, and is such a different framework that we need much more data before we should attempt it.

We also need to test Q+, which still has a lot of promise too. Or, we might merge both technologies and create Q: Zero Point. Either way, it’ll still be awhile before ZP becomes the production build.


Deleted comment, above post answered it

Yes, that’s the issue — the script has to be rewritten from scratch, and ZP scripts are much longer and involves much more planning.


Yeap that’s what am hoping for, whether that comes after a official q+ release would still be great

I can see your competitors’ minds going crazy now and looking for those script elements in SC members’ posts.


Be merciful and don’t do that, we don’t want anyone to end up like this trying to figure out this stuff:

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We might find out what it is that the fox has been saying this whole time.


Just wondering, zp is aimed for long term vast growth just like qv2 ? or is it more narrow like ultima

My guess is yes, since WANTED is being used for ZP and not an Ultima.

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@SaintSovereign : As long as the track is not longer than 60 minutes, we’re good. :joy:

For some reason I feel like the test file might be shorter. :man_shrugging:t4:

If the test file is longer than an hour, it shouldn’t stress too many people out, especially if they’re stacking.

Even if it’s an hour and a half, those selected will have to drop all other titles anyway so we’ll be saving at minimum 30 minutes in our day in the test phase (if one normally stacks two titles, excluding Rebirth Q of course).

I realize you’re probably talking about the final product, after testing is complete. I just felt like talking to myself

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@SubliminalUser are you testing ?