Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Besides the rewrites of the scripts of the Main Store Titles and Q Store Modules/Build, am sure there will be rewrites for all the sales pages too (especially multistages since they will most probably end up being single stage with ZP). Hope the new sales pages will end up having bullet points of benefits (as promised) for easier reading of the product. Good to have a list of results like in the earlier titles.

Also, am guessing there will be a pause in new module packs until all this is sorted out and understandably so.


Yup New module pack would have come out last month. So, we’re in the pause now.

And, you’re right, it does make sense.

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DR is multi stage it would take too long to recompile to ZP. I feel its better to begin with emperor or stark.


Nope, that’s Spider-Man and Captain America ZP. Welcome to the project HERO. :heart_eyes:

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YES! ZP improves Qv2 Custom experience! :slight_smile: this is great news!

@James when people have options they dont want to break this cycle you talk nonsense.

They are lazy its that simple. Notice how people complain how they are not getting results ?. They think by listening to emperor and reading a tony robbins book. Perhaps do a half hearted search using google then they give up.

Or they listen to a seduction sub then walk down the road hopeing the laws of attraction will make Sansa from game of thrones walkup to them bend over and say “have your evil ways with me”.

It does not work like that. You gotto work hard for anything in life.

When Saints car broke down in the desert. Did he sit there and begin praying hopeing jesus would come and save him No.

Saint took action because he had no option !.

Problem is these days kids especially these 20 year olds are so use to getting the friggin moon on the stick here in western euope and USA.

I was in india watchiing two kids playing cricket with a tree brancjh and an empty coke can.

Did they say ohhhh i dont have a bat and ball they frigin improviised mate.

I am sorry @James i know we are good friends but you talk alot of nonsense sometimes.


Hopefully those two kids will be able to use that same energy and resourcefulness to attain prosperity for themselves and their families.

It is not only the inactive who suffer in the economic games of this world.

My brother, do we not all have certain areas of our lives that are more personally challenging and difficult to change? In my case, there are some parts of me that I may work at for years without making a great deal of progress. I strive not to quit. But I will not blame someone who becomes discouraged.

Can you honestly say that, if it became necessary to do so, you would be willing and able to change every aspect of your beliefs, your personality, and your worldview?

I cannot say that. Many aspects of myself are resistant to change. That’s part of why I’m using subliminals! :slight_smile:

You know, it’s actually interesting that you’re bringing this up, because it speaks directly to the nature of these Zero Point programs.

To bypass those internal areas of resistance, fighting, striving, and discouragement. And to go to that empty center—that Zero Point—where manifestation arises effortlessly.

The meaning (and the effectiveness) of Hard Work changes a great deal when one is fortunate to have resources like the ones we are using.

I imagine that we can agree on this much.


This what i like about @Malkuth he is calm and collective when he responds. Unlike me i can be very stubborn and emotional at times and respond accordingly.

I thought this through and yes there are things about myself which i have found are resistant to change. You made some execellent points.

Thanks for helping to see things through a different pair of eyes.



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I am wondering if Zero Point is close that stage of wuwei…or Bruce Lee’s “Be like water”.

According to the central text of Daoism, the Dao De Jing : ‘The Way never acts yet nothing is left undone’.


Will the rest of us be able to stack Picard_ZP with Stark_Q2 before November end? :yum:

… or …

Will it be Picard_ZP with Stark_ZP instead!



And when they make Kirk ZP, it will come with a disclaimer to NOT stack with Khan ZP because:
images (16) (17)

And here’s me facepalming at my own observations:


Or Spock_ZP with QL_ZP

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@Simon - on a serious note, Captain Kirk does fit the Khan subliminal scripting. Masculine, Dominant, Playboy lifestyle and Abundance.


Or Star Trek ZP bundle series, which includes every Star Trek related names as separate ZP title. You can run it, depending on your goals.


So, you’re having your testers listen to one track a day, rotating? So, ZP on Day, Title1 on Day 2, Title 2 on Day 3?

That’s what I love about this community, all the different personalities of people from all over the world that has their own style. And also the ability disagree and through expressing different view points being and able to work out a solution with minimal amount of moderating and crack downs from Saint and Fire :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:


I’ve not seen anyone mention this title on this thread really but I imagine Primal QZP may just embody such a thing. Based off of my experience and from the old journals of AMASH, anywho.


My favorite metaphor for Wu Wei is the old video game Frogger.


If you think about it, that’s a game in which, if everything goes well, "Nothing Happens". If something doesn’t go so well, then a lot happens.

It takes a whole lot of activity to ‘Do Nothing’. It’s about being ‘in sync’ with the patterns of change.

That’s why reaching Zero Point is a high achievement.