Main Disc. Thread - Quantum Limitless (Now Available!)

You ever seem those movies where the guy types code super fast.

Yeah that’s a coding machine.

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I agree, but on Beyond Limitless Ultima it easily faded when stacked with another Title. With my Custom, these effects are even more pronounced and they seem to last several days after listening.

Thank you for sharing your personal experience.

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You will become a great computer programmer !!.

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Hey all

I’m strongly considering this as my next sub.

Does anyone know if it has been updated since the release (many subs seems to have been updated this summer) or if Subclub is currently working on anything that could replace QL?

Quantum Limitless is an up-to-date Q-build Major Program subliminal. There are standalone modules in the custom Q store that can complement or enhance it; and nothing on the horizon at the moment to replace it.

I’m two months into stage 2, Quantum Activation, and loving it.

(my 2 cents)

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Thank you.

Have you used custom Q moduls to enhance it?

A module like Virtuoso di Matematica could make a ton of sense for me since I’m consider applying for top MBA programs which would require a competitive GMAT score.

If you have a journal you can link to that would be awesome.

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I didn’t notice that QL reduced any emotions. I’m already prone to them being subdued, so it was like putting on a familiar coat. As the first sub I got it was the one that called out to me long before I could mix a custom around it.


Not deliberately or intentionally, but that is what ended up happening anyway. Quantum Limitless, I believe, tends to interact with whatever else one runs alongside it. All of life involves learning and processing.

That sounds like an excellent idea and I’m excited for the potential that’s within you and ahead of you. And your plans will probably evolve more and more as you continue to upgrade your strategic planning capacities. May your adventure be awesome, rewarding, and fruitful!

Okay. I started off with just a wealth focus, and then came to the view that this would work more effectively if I fortified the foundations of my Vocation and Passion (embodied in Alchemist and Quantum Limitless). That’s my journal in a nutshell.


@Malkuth are you listening to regular Stage 2?

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Yes, non-Custom; so standard Q build.

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Thank you very much for your constructive comments. QL will absolutely be a sub that I will run in the future, but I think I was just trying to talk my way out of continuing on Dragon Reborn.

I’ve decided to stick with DR, but looking forward til QL at some point in the future.

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I wanted to add this program so bad in my routine, but I have too many on my plate right now. I think this is the ultimate sub to use to help me deal with my ADHD.

It is good but difficult to run in some stages.

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Yeah, I’m running DR right now but I’m planning to run this multistage after that, and then months or so after my sights is on EoG. By that time hopefully my scattered thoughts and unmotivated mind would not be hindering me too much anymore.

That’s why I am also staying with Dragon Reborn. The healing , self awareness, and insights I get often without realizing it right away

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You do sound like yoda from time to time. I’m still chewbacca but I’m going to get there. Keep it up brother.

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That sounds like an excellent idea.

My theory is that in cases where you feel like this, a little real-world Action can be a good move.

My meaning may not be clear, so let me give an example:

Let’s say I’m in the midst of a subliminal Healing phase. I’m running Dragon Reborn, or I’m running Regeneration and Elixir. I’m committed to the process, things are developing fine, and I’m about 1 month into a planned 3-month run. I felt the initial boost of acute results at the beginning, and then things kind of calmed down, and now I’m into that Exposure and Gradual Growth phase. Sure, I get some reconciliation sometimes, but it’s basically manageable.

Alright, so far so good. We’ve all been in this situation.

Okay, so here’s the example.

Right at this moment, Subliminal Club suddenly drops a new program called Olympian: Marathon. It can take you from being someone who sits on the couch to someone who can literally run marathons or even ultra-marathons. Oh shit! That sounds great to me! I’ve always dreamed of being a runner but I thought I couldn’t do it. But should I give up on my Healing and switch over? Damn, I still have two months to go. I’m not sure I want to wait!

So, in a situation like that, instead of dropping my Healing program. My radical idea is this: Go do some actual real-world action. That means instead of starting the new subliminal program, I might go outside and actually go for a run.

What?! You mean actually do the thing that I think I’m interested in? Like just do it without listening to a subliminal first?

hahaha. Yes, I know. A radical concept. :rofl: If you’re that excited about it the subliminal, then that ostensibly means you’re really into the idea of doing the training, right? So, yes. Go take a run. That’s not going to cause reconciliation.

And also

  1. it’s probably going to calm you down and get you a little more realistic in your expectations about that subliminal. You might realize that ‘uhhh…actually, maybe I’m not quite so eager to start running all the time immediately’

  2. it will lay a great foundation for when you do start using the subliminal. Someone who is already running regularly is going to react much more smoothly and effectively to a subliminal focused on Running. When you do start it, there will be less reconciliation.

and on a similar note,

  1. it will give you a very effective gauge of your readiness. One great metric for deciding when to add a program to your stack is Willingness to Take Action Without The Subliminal. If you’re already a person who is going out and doing long-distance training runs 2 or 3 times a week, adding a marathon training subliminal to your stack will probably not be a problem for you. For you, it may be a lighter program.

So, that’s my theory. I’d love to say I’m practicing it perfectly, but…you know, :man_shrugging: we do the best we can.

So there’s the slogan:

Actually Doing Shit. It’s The New Subliminal! :sweat_smile:


By the way, I think it can work well in the other direction too.

If you’re feeling a little antsy, reconciliationy, and restless with your current program, but you also actually quite believe in it and feel good about it, try taking a little bit of real-world action related to that program. (This is the subliminal equivalent of that situation when you love your long-term partner but things have started getting a little stale and routine. So start to go out on dates more or do meaningful, stimulating activities together. If done right, they’ll deepen your appreciation of your partner, and remind you of why you’re with this person. They’ll also reveal places where you may want to make changes to improve the quality of the relationship. Or they may show you that maybe this is not the relationship you want to be in.)

So for a healing subliminal and transformative program like Dragon Reborn, that would mean going out and taking a bit of Healing and Transformative action to stimulate you and stretch your muscles a bit. That could mean something like attending a Healing and Growth-related retreat (maybe an online retreat these days). Watching related movies or reading related books. Scheduling some activities that lightly challenge your comfort zones (e.g., volunteering somewhere, going to be near an activity that used to intimidate you or actually joining in it, having-in a controlled way-a conversation or interaction that you usually find intimidating, and so on). Or something similar.

or you can do this:

  1. take a blank piece of paper and write at the top: What Actions Would Be Perfectly Suited To My Current Subliminal?
  2. for a few minutes think about the question and let yourself write down whatever comes into your mind, no matter how farfetched
  3. leave the paper or notebook around for a week or so and just forget about it. You’ll start getting flashes of intuition and ideas. When you have one, add it to the list.

After a while, you’ll have some decent ideas. Then you can decide if/when you want to try them.

Then, just Lather, Rinse, and Repeat, until you’ve reached the end of your planned listening time period.

Well, that got pretty long.

Or, another excellent option, don’t do any of this! hahaha. You don’t have to follow any of these ideas. There are plenty of other good ways to approach subliminal use. Maybe after reading through all of that you’ll think, ‘yuck. that sounds like way too much. I think I’m happy just the way I am.’ Well, that’s great too. :rofl:

Okay, time to go on with today.


Looking forward to reading your entire post tomorrow :smile: - Around midnight here

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I wonder if she’ll ever get what she’s looking for out of that relationship.
She seems to carry the heavy lifting for both of them.

Lmfao what are you talking about? Can you please clarify? This is too funny.

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