Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades

Also, subliminal strategies are not only the province of human beings. They occur throughout nature and the animal kingdom. When frightened or angry cats puff up their fur and arch their backs to appear larger, or when a butterfly evolves a design on its wings that looks like a large pair of eyes (hence discouraging some predators), when small birds and fishes fly or swim in large groups that mimic the appearance of a much larger creature, when animals in oestrus release pheromones to excite and attract mates…even when trees wrap up their seeds in deliciously sweet pulpy packages (that we call ‘fruits’) to encourage other animals to eat them and then excrete the seeds in other locations…

all of those are evolutionarily-adapted subliminal strategies to manipulate behavior.


Subliminal often I think by implication. People look happy using the product for example, implying you’ll be happy using the product.

10 Loops of Qv2 and 5 Loops of Q tonight :sunglasses:

Remember @Fire’s warning mate!

What warning is that?

The one about high loops


@Meng123 I didn’t see that. Thank you

Only other update I’m looking forward to is EOG Q V2


I could not agree more. Subliminals yes, will work as a short term boost, but the real “permanent” change is due to long term exposition to the same ideas!

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Thanks again Meng!

Making a new thread for the Subliminal Advertising stuff

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Excellent idea. Thanks!

Will Seductress be updated soon? I apologize if I may seem demanding or impatient. I do understand how busy you are :smile:

Hopefully Khan is next🤞


Ahaha glad I’m not the only one here “patiently” waiting for Seductress lol

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Nah, you’re not. My wife was wondering about the sudden improvements that I’ve been having and I attributed it to V2. Then she asked about Seductress and here we are.

It’s a pretty great program, unlike Ascesion W, it fees smoother and all encompassing. Not to say A-w is not powerful, because it is.

Ascension W feels more “masculine-energy” driven. Seductress on the other hand has some sort of masculine energy with balancing femininity to it. It was made by women consultation, if I recall correctly.

When she would sometimes play it while asleep, months ago; I received some great effects: such as taking care of my skin properly and not treating it harshly like a brute when I would wash my face or apply a moisturizer and sunscreen. Fashion sense even improved, and was no longer acting like a typical dumbass when it comes to fashion and style in its forms.

We are all compromised of those two energies; physiologically, every human has testosterone and estrogen. They’re empirical for the body.

The male equivalent of seductress is gonna be a real hit.

I went on a tangent, but what hell, huh?


Couldn’t agree more! Ascension W made me feel depressed and even angry at points, but Seductress has this beautiful buttery smoothness to it, and the results sneak up on you in the nicest & surprising way. Good luck to you and your wife!!


List of upgrades I’m looking forward to:

  • Spartan
  • Primal Seduction
  • Ultimate Artist
  • Quantum Limitless
  • Alchemist
  • Astral Projection
  • Inner Circle
  • Daredevil

OK so that’s a good percentage of the subs on the store, LOL. For some of those faster manifestation of results would be the cause of much excitement for a lot of folk here on the forum :wink:


Faster and even more profound manifestation for this would be the kicker.


Ha, exactly how she describes it :smiley:

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