Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades

You’re not the one who started this discussion. The talk about the vaccine was already unnecessary.

This forum is supposed to be clean of that. Imo.

Doesn’t contribute to the subs and if anything just attracts the wrong eyes to it.


Good point Brandon. Let’s not get into debates.

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@SaintSovereign ?

Hmm looks like I missed quite a few things during my “no subs” break. Since I only skimmed the 1.5k responses here can someone answer this question: Does the Q store tell you which modules have been updated to v2 if I want to rebuild all my customs?

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Your timing is impeccable. Everything in the Q store is now v2.

(Some major programs still waiting for upgrade)


p.s. I’m going to go ahead and say that a) my new custom is working excellently and b) I either sensed or manifested your return here earlier today when I wrote:

(Although, now let’s see whether your wisdom and refined taste lead you to hang around longer or to abscond again. :rofl:)

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I was in the middle of responding to that thread. I, too, was like “new besties?*” in my head, but instead came upon something else.

*not actually true.

Interacting on here is a lot sometimes, no matter how chill you are. When I felt I was more annoyed at having to read through posts than absorbing, I took a well needed break.

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i agree with the dudes, the death is real and talking about your vaccine opinion to a dude in india whos watching the deaths happen isnt smart.

100,000 per day, let that statistic sink in


I ran Limitless QV2 last night before bed and I have been up getting shit done. Not entirely sure that’s a coincidence but I do feel more focused. I’m going to run Beyond Limitless V2 later


Can we please not have this discussion. We really have to get all political? We all know that were not gonna be changing anyones opinion as everyone is way to emotionally involved rn and almost everyone knows someone personally that got affected by corona.


You’re not helping to stop the debate with that post :wink:


Running Limitless QV2 has helped me stop and think about something way faster than I ever have.
@DarkPhilosopher I will definitely run Beyond Limitless V2 later and get back to you as to how I feel afterwards

Yes I have an opinion about the vaccine and respect it if you want me to respect yours. Besides, how many people live in India? You can imagine that for such a country like this, deaths happen every day (benares), that’s part of life.
Mass manipulation is what you are talking about? When you see this viral but censored video of 5 guys in India who were carrying a body to add to the general psychosis and who dropped the body because of an alarm and the latter resurrected from the dead who got up and started running.
In short, yes, let’s go back to the sub and avoid this kind of reflection to make people look like selfish or insensitive to what is happening, the media do it very well.


I would gladly hear about that. BLU, EoG and PCC are the only subs in my library I haven’t touched yet.

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indeed let us return to the subs


Sentences like this make me wonder how even though I don’t watch the news at all, I don’t hear about these things

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Survival Instinct

Me neither. But somehow I’m always aware of everything. Especially when I’m running EOG.



No my friend. My friend’s dad died just two weeks ago and her grandfather also died due to covid. My relative aunt got covid and her condition is not so good. 2nd wave is really dangerous :cry:


My friend, I said I wasn’t going to do it again, believe what you want, I decided not to follow the herd, end of story.