Main Disc. Thread - Primal Nights (Now Available! Free Upgrade!)

How did you notice the intermingling of these 2 It’s something I been curious about. OR even adding revelation of nectar as well

@SwedishBuddha i have not added anything else , just divine diamond and PN for my wife and I am on different cycle of emperor + HOM and Emp fit. But have stopped my cycle a week back and started this DD and PN today

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How divine diamond and primal nights interact


I have ran 2 loops over the course of 4 days (1 loop every other day) at 5 min each.

Essentially recommended pattern.

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@Furkan they are a great combo for husband and wife . If both listen to it it’s great, as with PN it will generate sexual thoughts in both towards each other. I think great stack for vanila marriage.

DD is complex though , but you can straightaway feel PN withing 30 mins that sexual tension starts to build up in our case.

I asked because from the sales page they are seems like opposite titles

And @SaintSovereign what do you mean my digital Viagra I don’t understand this clearly, Does this analogy completely describe diamond series

The description dosent say they are incompatible, but says they act in different ways towards achievement of sexual pleasure


Am I reading this incorrectly, or did they synergize to create remote seduction?

The fact the girl texted me the day I started WB is pure coincidence I think. (btw, it was after I blocked her, she said she just missed me way too much)

However, whatever came after that, I think my texting skills changed to a more uncaring and naturally interesting type, which made her all the more interested.

Plus, I’ve been surrounded by women lately, and have been telling her stories about them, not sexual, not romantic.

She just knows I’m surrounded by women :slight_smile: that gets her going.


Is there such a thing?
Not so sure.


Who knows man, who knows. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s cool to be open minded

You never know

When CRAZY off the wall sh-t happens

Then you can give the sub some credit

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Guys, is there a problem to use this sub EVERY DAY?

The problem is you are not following the instructions.
As with any other product that contains instructions, the consequences of not following them are your responsibility😅

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English is not my native language :upside_down_face:

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Reports of PN + WB have got me intrigued. Do you run PN first in the seduction stack (whatever the rest may be)? Full duration too? How long do the effects last?

Have a date tonight, will run this along with loop of khan st1 and RM


When the Primal Khan enters the room…

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Someone has/had good results with PN in a custom?

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When I get results, I’ll report

01 Auric Overdriver
02 Khan Black: Stage 1 Core
03 Mosaic
04 Primal Nights Core
05 Revelation of the Nectar Within Core with NSE