Main Disc. Thread - PHOENIX: A Dragon Reborn Experience (Free Upgrade Now Available!)

Rebirth was insane, I ran it for a few loops a good while ago and it actually did boost the results of my stack, but god damn did it dig deep af to make it happen haha


This is awesome. @SaintSovereign as someone who ran DR earlier this year, what would one expect to differ in this one? As they’re both themed around the removal of old and building of new - being reborn.

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I want to see others’ initial impressions from running this one. A bit concerned to see how much recon it can throw me in during a time period I hope to thoroughly enjoy!

Reading the entire description was quite a ride, I’m feeling the heat, inner voices pleading for mercy and for more time, I am humbled by this title, and as tempting as it is to run it, I am unfortunately not ready for it.

You have created something very powerful!


Fuck yeah brother!!


@SaintSovereign @Fire can this still be considered a kind of sub that helps integrate and boost the results of the other titles in the stack?

Or do you think it’s gonna be heavy healing?

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To paraphrase Ray Manzarek in the Doors movie " let’s make the myths".

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I love the fact you paraphrase a movie that was so bad it became popular XD.

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Or maybe that’s a different movie not sure

It wasn’t that bad. It’s actually one of my favorite movies.

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I think he means the Val Kilmer one

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Oh prolly a different one then. Now I feel bad XD

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That would be it. The quote is in this trailer


Yea that’s a different one, Can’t wait to see your results on this

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5 min loop about an hour ago, this is very interesting.

  1. I feel some energetic movement in my core, also I could feel my aura grow.

  2. I don’t have the recon anger that I get sometimes, this is very different. This is a very calm and controlled anger. In a weird way it’s almost peaceful.

  3. This seems to be cleaning up some of the old beliefs that New Emperor has been digging at.

  4. My breathing has began to slow down.

  5. Less mental chatter.

  6. Some reframing is taking place on some painful memories. Once again picking up where Emperor left off.

  7. Looking at more habits that I want to change.


I feel the points 2,5 and 7. I also consciously guided the emotional mastery scripting, so with this I can hold all the negative emotions and still be undisturbed.

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@SaintSovereign : I’m probably not going to do this (yet) but what would it be like to stack Phoenix and The Revelation of Spirit?

So I have to ask @Fire or @SaintSovereign, did the script get nerfed a little or do we never fear the weak?

And after reading the description, am I wrong to say this seems to overlap Limit Destroyer? I am curious as I’m currently running DR:LD. It mentions a lot about burning the past which holds you back, seems identical to smashing the chains which prevent you from reaching your fullest potential in the DR:LD description.


DRLD does it by losing the hold that your limits have on you, while phoenix reframes it.

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