Main Disc. Thread - PHOENIX: A Dragon Reborn Experience (Free Upgrade Now Available!)

One thing me and my buddy kept on mentioning was how we each, respectively, “get in our own way”.

I shared how I’d gotten an email from another friend we used to play with, and we shared our numbers with each other.

But…I never called. I quickly realized I’d sidelined it. Avoided it (getting in my own way). It felt good admitting this with someone who was safe.

I tried admitting something I’ve avoided here where I live to my housemate this morning. I heard “You should have…”

Not everyone is safe to talk to. I knew he’d probably throw that at me, but I ventured to see. No, not with him.

:slight_smile: I didn’t hold a grudge. Awesome!


The results from Phoenix were more immediate for me. However ran DR for all stages, Khan ST1 multiple times until I actually looked forward running it, over 2 years on Emperor and full cycle of KB which I’m still running.

Saw my ex-wife 2 weeks ago and she kept commenting how much I’ve changed. We were together for 9 years so she knows me pretty well.

With that background - DR I didn’t really notice the effects until maybe 2 months after I stopped running it. Phoenix I saw and felt changes within 24 hours.


Do you running solo

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No - running KB, Will to Power and Phoenix. However updating my stack soon.




The newest log on Phoenix:


So far, I’m getting a lot less introspective about my past, exactly what my hang ups are and why they are there, and a lot more of a sense that some negative things are just not there anymore.
Its odd. I can kind of feel a void where something has been for a long time but I don’t really know exactly what was there.

The trick with fear is : lisen to the fear until fear felt that you have lisen to it fully - then it vanishes

All the best to your Journey Bro

Here a Song for you


Answer is SubClub? :wink:

Oh yeah.

Challenge Accepted.

I totally forgot I wrote this… who knew this words would become so prophetic.

I started listening on january 2nd and I have lots of alone time for instrospection, since on january 1st I broke up with my girlfriend and left home…


Did she cook a bad tasteful dinner?

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Hitting too much receon apparently. I’m going to go to strictly running this solo for a while at one three minute loop every other day


One short loop of 3 minutes and I had a sexual, not the slightest bit erotic dream of one of my closest female friends from my time back in college.
When I crushed on a common friend, what led to her cutting ties, she decided she could only be friends with one side and broke with me.
When she married I was only invited to the ceremony but not the celebration.
I woke up this morning, early, and couldn’t sleep, only think about this incident tland the pain it inflicted on me.
Then I was able to let it go.


Empathizing with others has been showing up for me with Phoenix.


I’ve been running this for a few weeks now, 1 or 2 loops /week.

Haven’t noticed anything at all. Which isn’t that surprising, in my case.

Some background info for the people who are not familiar with me and my results: I do not feel anything from these subs, except for intense dreams. Which I didn’t have yet with this sub.

I’ve been here for several years now and I’m extremely happy with the real world results I’ve gotten from SC products. I’m one of the high achievers with the wealth related results.

So do not take this message as a criticism of the products. It’s just how I’ve always reacted to them.


15 minutes every time?

That’s both with ZP and Q versions?

Yes. I’m what they call a hard gainer.

I usually listen to more loops during a week. Up to 4-5 times.

Prefer single stack.



Wealth related titles do give me the dreams quicker.

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