Main Disc. Thread - PHOENIX: A Dragon Reborn Experience (Free Upgrade Now Available!)

Pheonix is my fav sub till date.

I’m 3 loops in and i’ve surpassed so many limiting beliefs.

I can finally bond wid people.

I had this issue of being able to do “crazy” things socially but inability to deeply bond with others.

This resulted in me cycling through relationships in unhealthy speeds, always bailing out when it go too real.

Also, i’m getting the new emperor levels of respect and status just by running pheonix.

Its not as intense as new emperor…

But this shit is permanent AND cumulative.

Unlike me being an absolute god while on the day i run emperor and being a regular dude wid no dominance on the break days.

Also, people tend to give me the EXACT experience and reactions i need right now to surpass the current limiting beliefs.

Every loop of pheonix has given me more peace, clarity and life-changing (i’m not exaggerating) breakthroughs.

It feels good to finally lay rest the years of emotional baggage stacked one on top of another.

I’ve shattered my shackles, and RISEN. Like a pheonix. Will u?


This title frightens me almost with how much clarity I have gained from it so far. For a long time I was more or less convinced that in order to be successful I had to pursue everything I thought I wanted. That’s so fucking exhausting. It feels like for me becoming more content means most often not doing those things. As weird as that may sound. It’s having restraint to know when something is a necessity for growth or just a random desire. For someone with severe ADHD this is huge

I remember for a long time I thought I wanted to do jiu jitsu. I went to a school a few times back in early 2017 and although the people and place were amazing it just didn’t feel right and I couldn’t figure out why. Over the past six plus years I have asked myself at various times " do I really want to do this?". At this point and going forward I know the answer will always be " No". I’m just not willing to put in the effort it would require and I can’t and won’t force myself to try. I have felt that way about other things including relationships strangely enough. I thought it was something I wanted but it didn’t feel right.Yet I forced myself to push on anyway because I was terrified of being alone for some reason. That was probably the cause of most of my relationships ending. I probably came off as incredibly needy.

I do know that a few of my relationships ended because I was dealing with serious undiagnosed depression and at the time I didn’t have the awareness or resources on how to deal with it. I look back at a lot of things that caused issues with not just in relationships but also with my family and with jobs. I was fighting something within myself without realizing it and making myself and others unnecessarily miserable.

I did this with pursuing higher education as well. I honestly thought I wanted to go back to school but I now know I really didn’t. I should have known when I would continually have this feeling like I didn’t belong there. That and it took time that I had no true desire to invest in. I don’t really talk about my personal life that much but as I grow by living my life and running Phoenix I want to be a bit more open


All these crazy reviews for this one make me curious


@James seeing your rapid and exponential evolution since starting New Emperor and now Phoenix is awe-inspiring bro

A true testament to the power of the New Subliminal Experience, as well as your own personal drive and readiness to transform into a more consciously powerful human being James

Proud of you bro, and grateful to @SaintSovereign and @Fire for the life-changing tools they have created for us


Since starting Phoenix I’ve started working on my inner voice. I’ve noticed I got super negative inner voice and phoenix seems to be working on it.


I listen to a full loop of Limitless and Phoenix last night. I woke up this morning having an active dream, twisted up in my clothing and blanket. Not much recall.

I’ve been very optimistic today, I haven’t felt this centered emotionally like ever. Since running Phoenix…I don’t get hung up. If situations happen or something emotionally upsetting happens, I feel it, embrace the situation but the effect fades to grey, it loses all color.

The existential angst/dread I had posted about a month ago (before Phoenix) that Fire answered with recommendations was a rough time for me. I was struggling with deep apathy, pointlessness in living and just a complete loss of drive and will to live life. I had run Emperor for 1 cycle hoping it’d help, after the cycle not much changed except for some emotional stability.

Once Phoenix was released and I listened, things have been slowly getting better. First Phoenix eradicated the sadness within me the first week. Then it started putting emotional distance between me and my traumatic experiences that have continued to haunt me for decades. Now it’s somehow given me space for optimism to shine through. I’ll be honest that I wasn’t sure I’d ever feel this renewed sense of positivity again.

Phoenix is so fucking smooth, I can hardly understand it. It’s so powerful and so subtle. If it wasn’t for the changes I recognize, I wouldn’t even know it was working.

Phoenix has taken me out of the past(depression) and keeps me from the future (anxiety) too. I’m just here, now…it is what it is. It gives me detached clarity. Everything feels pure, not muddled with memories or emotions.

The more I run Phoenix the more I understand that…

Phoenix = Freedom

@Fire I don’t know what or how but this is the most impactful subliminal I’ve ever listened to. Your timing was perfect in my case. I can’t say enough good things. Phoenix is everything I needed, it’s pulled me out of a dark place that I thought I was stuck in. Whatever you put in this script has helped me more than I can explain. Thank you


Just been to a concert and it tackled one of the biggest limiting beliefs about me being a person who enjoys life. I always thought of myself as a person who sits in his room/house and is always doing something serious. This has been building this deep pressure inside me for 2-3 yrs. Today I could let go, i was funny, I was charismatic, I could be the guy that enjoys life and could finally have a good time.

Reading other testimonials above, it is clear this sub is something else.


Something I noticed also. I talk to streamers a lot whilst playing CoD with them and how I’m ass at the game and can’t trick shot when I actually can etc I just need practice.

It made me notice how I need to make the effect to apply more positives to my self image and my talents even if they aren’t where I want to be.

Also, Phoenix is definitely working for me.

Felt like I had recon today and I probably did. Lack of sleep, the nutritional cleanse and being stressed definitely didn’t help however I’m all good right now. It’s bringing up memories of stuff so I can get through it - nothing too bad even though I’ve had certain thoughts yet I’m not embracing those that are negative like I may have done before.

It is testing my direction in life however.

Side note: Due to my nutritional cleanse, it really affected me and I know it’s been said before but please make sure you’re eating enough/properly. My cleanse is super low calorie and my body was struggling to respond properly however now I’m good.


I’m extremely happy this is the case.


Did one loop again last night…15 mins I am sure things are happening underneath the bonnet but i am not sure what.

I still have some childhood traumas to overcome. Like my father telling me over and over again when i was a child that I am usless and will never succeed in life.


Little breakthroughs


I can’t believe the emotional control I have with this. I know I have mentioned it before but :astonished:

I have had so may instances in the last week or so where I would definitely have lost it emotionally. Maybe had a bit of a meltdown or tantrum. It’s hugely embarrassing and I didn’t know how to resolve it. I get frustrated internally but I don’t really show it outwardly. Especially when I make mistakes. I just stop and ask myself how can I fix whatever the issue is?

@Fire @SaintSovereign


Ran a loop of this last night as I have been in such a weird spot in my life. I’m typically a very confident, social, and motivated person, but lately due to work/relationship issues I’ve been pretty down.

My experience was pretty similar to other reports. A ton being worked on/ images of the past coming up, but then dissolving as fast as they pop up. Negative thought patterns that I used to get sucked into, still arise, but was able to regonize them as thoughts/emotions when they pop up and release them much faster.

Overall a really pleasent healing experience, like a massive amount of negative energy and trauma is being transmuted, but under the surface, and it’s not a difficult emotional/recon process like I was expecting because it’s all being done beneath your level of awarness for the most part, and the things that to come up you are provided with tools to navigate at an extremely fast rate.

Didn’t think in a million years I would need/consider running a healing title, but I had a lot of things starting to hold me back, and this was much needed. Feeling much more in control of my thoughts today, and more at peace with how events unfold, and my ability to healthily respond to them. Going to be keeping this in my stack for a full cycle as it hasn’t seemed to effect my work requirements like other healing, and if anything has put me in a better emotional state to perform better.


Phoenix Revelation:

When i was a child my dad was always making jokes at my expense or insulting and being annoying and even abusive (that’s a different story)

Every time i cried ans begged him to stopped he immediately got mad and started saying stuff like “what? Don’t you have a sense of humor?” Or “what is up with you? You don’t have any sense of humor!”

Basically disregarding my feelings and getting mad at me because i wasn’t laughing with me

This created a certain behaviour pattern that i hate, every time someone laugh at me, even if im kad as hell and want to punch him in the face, i will just pretend to laugh, o will never tell someone"it’s not funny" or “never laugh about it again” because in my subconscious there is no point, my feelings will be disregarded and more insults will come “because i lack a sense of humor”

How can i deal with this? I always try to brush things off and flow with the joke, only to eat myself later from the inside

I always worry that people will act like my dad and say stuff like “wtf is wrong with you it’s a joke you are overreacting”

Phoenix has made the pattern and the cause clear, i know that if i keep running it, the problem will resolve especially now when i run Emperor + TWP with it, but what actions can i take to actively heal it?

Lastly i want to say that Phoenix is the best subliminal i have ever used, it’s literally making me drop negative and unnecessary behaviours and it’s changing my mindset rapidly, I think everyone should run it at some point of their life


The dropping negative behaviors/thinking is huge. Especially if they have become a regular part of your life, it can manifest in so many different ways that prevent you from having the happiness/success that you’re capable of. Never thought I would get so much out of this title, but I think even after this cycle I’ll include it in part of my stack rotation.


Just tell them that you don’t find it funny

Get angry or hate full if someone oversteps your boundaries

You need to say it so that you build the aura of : no shit with me - here respect (because I respect myself first)


I will probably run this with the New Emperor soon. I want the emotional control of Phoenix with the resilience of Emperor


When people treat you like that all the time it’s difficult to change that pattern. Difficult but not impossible. Ask yourself: Are they laughing about something I did/said because it is funny? or are they belittling/gaslighting me? If the answer is the first, laugh with them. If it is the second, tell them it’s not funny. They may be bullies or thoughtless. Have a word with them, explain why or how this affects you and try to stablish some boundaries. If they are just thoughtless, hopefully, they will respect you and change their behaviour. If they are bullies, they will continue and you need to decide whether it is worth continuing that friendship with someone who purposely hurts you.
Hopefully Phoenix will help you, give it some time and in the meantime be kind to yourself.


Very similar experience bro… Will run phoenix for sure in the future

Stay strong💪

