Main Disc. Thread - Objectives / Product Copy Updates / ZP Refresh

Executive ready to go.


Rebirth doesn’t have the “Latest Version” on the download.


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Thanks for doing all of these so fast!

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I suppose all the anti-recon scripting is in the primer…

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Yes. That’s why it was easier to update the customs.


Limitless Executive is ready to go.


Oh so Customs already had this anti-recon scripting but it did not have the rebalancing of primer / core scripting?

I feel like the balance of modules and Core scripting in Customs is also somewhat imbalanced, especially when doing the 5 mins the Modules manifested far more quickly than the Cores.

But that’s just my experience.

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Let’s finish upgrading the major titles first, but could you please clarify what changes will come to customs so one can make a better decision if it is worth rebuilding it?


We also getting Ascension chamber as part of the refresh? @SaintSovereign


:point_up_2:t2: Executive



There is no imbalance in customs. You just keep creating customs with modules drastically different from your core personality. Your internal choice to execute certain modules over others does not constitute a mistake on our part in any way shape or form.

Well, first please refrain from using language similar to what I have bolded. As for your question, there are no big changes coming to customs outside of 320kbps.

I have stated this multiple times, everyone. This is largely a refresh to major titles.


Would people running customs experience the custom process faster or have a sped up pace of manifestations by upgrading to the 320kbps?


My brain is just about accustomed to 192kbps ZPT2. But sometimes subtle differences do make huge differences
for a mere upgrade.

I guess another good question might be
when would it be optimal for a person with 192kbps ZP custom to upgrade;
are there certain cores or modules and/or do build options matter?


Why, whats the issue? My intention was only to declare that I don’t wanna stress you with questions regarding customs when you are busy upgrading the whole catalogue of major titles.

It is both declarative and authoritative, modes that are best left to SC and it’s moderators.


It’s not actually an upgrade.

Calling it one may confuse relative newcomers.

Having started a new custom last night, I can confirm this was the SMOOTHEST sub experience ever

  • Immediate and profound execution of the physical shifting modules in the custom
  • Immense clarity around the major, deeply internalized limiting beliefs that would be preventing me from full execution of the custom
  • The limiting beliefs were presented in a gentle, easily digestible way that in no way resembled the harsh reconciliation of the past. It was a truly JOYOUS process to work through them
  • Barely perceptible “processing” feeling other than a boosted mood
  • Deep restful sleep despite running the custom right before bed. In the past I would have interrupted sleep due to brain processing power. This time, incredible sleep quality.
  • Immediate execution of both custom cores within hours of running the sub, far faster and smoother than any custom ever before.

What SubClub has achieved here with their new primer is truly groundbreaking.


I got my custom this Thursday and it is still only 192k :frowning:

Your new custom is still 192kbps, right?

But yes, even my 192kbps ZPT2 customs are smooth.

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