Main Disc. Thread - Objectives / Product Copy Updates / ZP Refresh

You are right Anako
Subclub will be a big business in the near future, and making decisions according to what I and you say is not going to be productive.
Honestly there was NO need for THIS objectives of commander, cuz there is literally NOTHING new in them which is not in the description. So what is the point?
The point of releasing objectives is being able to CHOOSE between subs, with emperorZP objectives it was good. But these other things? Nah.
It literally is being nice guy towards members, they can release the objectives when the fuck they want. Let them WHINE, its not like they can file sth legal against you guys. Honestly boundaries are getting confused here, the only comment I wrote in this thread was “FOR GOD’S SAKE😫”, why? Cuz I JUST wanted to show enthusiasm and only that.
So if I was the CO-founder(which I am not🤣) I would take it slow, answer some tickets. Mine some quality objectives and chill.
Lets not expect EVERYONE in the forum to stop whining, let’s ignore them.


But that’s exactly what they’re doing, i know that if i want a sub that focuses on power, status, authority and charisma to run commander. I now have clear differences between stark and emperor, they both seem to be fully encompassing subs that hit multiple things but if i want more focus on fame/charisma then i choose stark, if those things don’t interest me I can go with emperor.

A massive list filled with unnecessary guff won’t aid anyone, whether the objectives are a 1000 words or 100 doesn’t matter, it doesn’t effect the actual content of the sub itself.


It seems like it DOES aidemphasized text ME and some other people here.
Give me a definition of power will ya?you think stark does not have power?
There is NO guff in emperorZP’s complete objectives

The idea of objectives was never mine
And go and see the CURRENT objectives if commander and compare it with it’s description, there is NO difference.
I am not saying there is no need for objectives. I am saying the co-founders’ time and plans are much more precious and imperturbable to be affected by some customers.these objectives of commander have literally no use for anyone, cuz everything is mentioned in the description.
What I saw here is saint telling fire: yo fire, these guys are whining and they have no idea how busy we are, so lets release sth as objectives.
There has been NO mining in commander’s objectives. You give me the description I will write similar to those objectives for you. But in emperorZP this was not the case.
All I wanna say is your time and plan is so precious to be affected by someone’s recon, whining or orders
When you don’t define boundaries even a moron like me comes and criticized you guys.


This :point_up:

It’s also worth pointing out that they seem to be overwhelmed with the volume of work that needs to be done especially with their limited time. And when Saint or Fire has to deal with “stupid posts” it diverts their attention from what’s important.

We as a community need to exercise a little patience and understanding. Let’s make their lives easier, not harder.


this is correct.

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I legit cannot hold my tongue anymore because the frustration is high af and no, I’m not being affected by recon.

We all need to chill, for real.

The amount of disrespect occurring on these forums is absolutely astounding. The way I feel for @Fire & @SaintSovereign right now…

It’s legit like they can’t do anything to please the crowd - which is completely understandable but this is their business. No-one else’s.

They do listen to us and they implant the feedback we give - trust me on that as I’ve been a specific person in the past they’ve listened to whether directly or indirectly and they’ve come up with solutions to help me personally. They may or may not tell you they’ve listened, but they really do. They read journals, posts, etc and implement what we want, but it takes time. They’re busy af and have a million and one things to do.

They’re taking the time to work on the objectives to make sure they’re specific in the descriptions and detailed, yet people complain they’re too slow at the updates. They post the descriptions people want and, without offending them, rush them to please the crowd and people complain that the objectives and details are rushed and empty without the detail they want.

Saint and Fire have other things to do. They’re creating peoples customs, they get complaints that said person hasn’t received their custom even though it has been a couple days within the 3-5 working days or it’s the weekend….they’re working on new titles behind the scenes and they get complaints there’s nothing new, they’re releasing updates to current titles and people complain they’re not seeing updates and titles fast enough or how a certain title that was released, e.g. Emperor, hasn’t been re-released with the extra updates mid-way through when Saint found a breakthrough on ZP - so they get even more complaints.

They close off their DMs, to ensure certain areas like support can be taken care of, or take days off - which they deserve, and guess what? They get complaints.

Honestly, where does it end? I understand recon and impatience, I’m also impatient as a person, but we really need to chill and actually think about what we’re typing, stop giving attitude and being ungrateful. These guys are working tiredlessly around the clock to give us what we want, listening and gathering data (you know what I mean by this) to build the best for us as a community.

Some of you need to run Sanguine and a title with Empathy like RM.

We don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes and we probably never will even though we’ve had insights previously, but with some common sense we can all guess that they have a lot going on.

I understand feedback and all that, and it definitely helps, but being rude, impatient, entitled and demanding isn’t it. Some of you don’t even realise you’re doing it and that’s the thing because you’re not being self-aware or analytical.

Don’t even get me started on the ZP drama. At the end of the day, Saint and Fire wanted us to be part of the journey of what they’re up to and creating but that backfired massively with people’s constant neediness. I’m not surprised if they end up taking their time with the next builds and have closed off testing on pre and public releases so they can release polished products and descriptions so that people don’t get complaints, but they’ll probably get ‘omG WhEns tHE NExt bUIld ComINn, I WaNt tO liSten tO FiVE TiTles FoR 1 MiNute peR dAY’.

Coming from someone who ran and helped people run businesses, there’s a lot of work to do and things that people aren’t even aware of.

Give. Them. A. Break.


Damn I know it’s out of subject but the biceps flex is really nice :ok_hand:t2: :100:

If you’re too frustrated dear friend if you allow me to call you that way,
just do your thing and progress as much as you can know that your message has been passed now

That’s what I’m doing

Countering energy leads to more frictions, it create more heat it’s not the solution
I think I’m doing my part by not generating demands or interacting too much on drama (at least I think ?) and just am enjoying my ZP journey and journalling/help when I feel I can

Even if by this post it creates somewhat a lil bit of friction I guess :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It’s just all good energy please :joy:
At least I tried


Well said my friend :ok_hand:


Looking at the objectives, I wonder if I should just run Elixir ZP in place of DR ST1 ZP.

May work faster.


As someone who was part of the ZP testing which was SUPER FUN this still saddens me, but it’s totally understandable by that entitled-shitstorm that came about in “QV2 IS BETTER BRAH” because some people have zero self-awareness.
And I get it, it’s not an easy trait to accomplish, but the entitlement is astounding.

Y’all are big on manifestations and all and don’t get the simplest realization on anything higher consciousness: focus on the things you CAN control.
Being mad about other people not doing what you want kills YOUR vibe. Not theirs :smiley:

How many products are in the store? 40? Idk how many modules, 100?

I doubt this adds fuel to the fire, y’all just need to chill a bit. And maybe you’re in recon, maybe Saint also is. We’re all just human and these tools are powerful. Take a chill pill and use the tools you have.


Big facts.


My informal list has 300 modules. But I didn’t count all of the Major Program cores in the Q store. So the true number is actually a bit higher.

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I agree with your general point but it also seems as though you want people to sit back like mindless zombies waiting for their next subliminal fix. There’s a line between disagreement and disrespect that shouldn’t be crossed, but disagreement is necessary for growth. Sitting around and jerking off the founders instead of providing legitimate and respectful feedback is completely and utterly useless, and exemplifies “beta” behavior in my eyes. We shouldn’t be restricted to providing respectable criticism, especially to a company like SC that prides itself on understanding and using the customer experience to build and better themselves.

The central point of my criticism was that I much prefer SC focus on quality over speed even if it takes a long time, and my opinion stands in stark contrast to users like @James who have been complaining incessently about releasing objectives ASAP. This isn’t a shot at SC and its founders, it’s a disagreement between community members that will naturally exist because we are all individual-minded people with our own views and opinions.

Again, I agree with the general premise of your post: lay off the founders, 'cause addressing all of these complaints is detrimental to the growth of the company as a whole. But to criticize individuals like myself who want to be assured that the quality remains consistent is borderline idiotic.

Impatience is a major issue and people need to be more patient, absolutely. I’ve got a massive issue with users that have expressed impatience with the release of subs, objectives, etc. But discussions regarding quality should always be welcome and if anyone thinks otherwise, those people need to seriously examine themselves and the way they think.

Now how the founders address those discussions is a completely different story.


Friction… It’s everywhere :dizzy_face:

I responded to you elsewhere so it doesn’t turn into a huge debate.



But it also happens to be true that you express your criticisms in an honorable way. You don’t descend to ad hominem attacks and you don’t spam.

Most importantly, you’ve established a strong track record of putting your money where your mouth is and basing your views and questions on a strong foundation of action.

All of those things put any criticism or questions you raise in a context that can be respected.

Not everyone is doing that.


Very well said, @Brandon. Spot on on EVERY point :ok_hand:


This is true. Don’t put yourself in the same category as the people we’re crashing down on, @bombayduck. This was something I had to learn when I was younger. I would defend the right for the customer to provide feedback, but I was doing it in a situation where the customers I was defending were clearly in the wrong. Constructive criticism is one thing, but what some of these individuals are doing is far beyond that.

There are plenty of customers who respectfully challenge a decision, @friday being one of them, for example. I always refer back to when we originally decided not to allow SubClub Elites on the Q store and Friday posted a respectful, yet fact filled challenge to that decision that ultimately ended with us changing our minds. Why? Because he made some great points that appealed to both our interests and the interests of the customer.

We aren’t cracking down on feedback. We’re cracking down on bullshit.


I’ve got plenty of growing to do, that’s for sure. With that said, this club has been responsible for my expedited growth over the last year, and I thank you all for that.

And I definitely agree on the bullshit premise, it’s ridiculous at this point.