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Yes , now I know what is The #3d title :muscle::muscle: thanks!

I really feel like I’ve had deja-vu before, but I can’t remember when… :upside_down_face:


You already said that :wink:


@BLACKICE, it’s not like that ordinary deja-vu where time slows stands still for a moment and you realize you experienced that moment before.

It’s like whole events of a day seem like I have experienced it before lol. Things just replaying over and over again.

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Groundhog Day ZP


Hey @Houdini this called perceptual shifts . Saint mentioned before and mentioned in the instructions manual . Here are some examples .

As Above / So Below on deck.


You’re claiming to have deja vu, time loops, amnesia, running a minute and it lasts for months, etc. Enough. This has less to do with Zero Point and more to do with the structure of your own mind.


As Above / So Below ready to go (including in Alchemist bundles).


I never stated this was integral to Zero Point though.:slightly_smiling_face:

Will there ever be an option to get longer duration files for those who desire this or is that not really an option anymore?

Curious as to why you would request this. It feels like a huge step backward after we got to 15-minute files (that many are able to benefit from only 3 minutes of.) We went from having to listen to 16 hours of subs every day, to 3 minutes every other day. What possible benefit do you see in regressing to that?


For the record I was making a joke… :nerd_face:

The grass is always greener somewhere else I suppose lol.


@SaintSovereign Both AA and SB are still the old 20MB files for me.

I had bought the Alchemist Supreme package if that’s relevant.

Honestly anything is possible

after store titles will be updated, you’re going to deal with 320 custom upgrade?

Same for me.

LETS GO! Finally, I will have it!

@Invictus @GoldenTiger @Vesper @enigma12 :wink:


Personal preference :slight_smile:

Also because I liked just meditating an hour or so on the audio file and feeling the progression and transmutation happening in my inner world within the moment. Furthermore, because it allowed me to more closely control the exposure and feel when I go into overexposure territory.

Honestly, the one hour files felt very very relaxing because I suspect it had some kind of scripting to alter your brainwave state also. It just washed over me.

Aye there are other reasons too.

But in general, while it might be looked upon as a step “backward” I do not see it as such, and it’s mainly just personal preference there are benefits to listening more with less power and more listening time.

Zp feels like a very powerful .Zip file which needs to be unpacked.

Let’s just say it has difference in how the sub processes, integrated and executes.

Anyhow, essentially it’s just personal preference.

It’s not about better or worse, but about the difference and utilisation.

@SaintSovereign Thank you for all the updates!