Main Disc. Thread - Libertine Ultima

I think I’ve noticed that also. I haven’t given it a really fair chance though. Only listened to 5 loops at once while asleep. Where when I did that with V1… well just search “Little Bill” in the forum lol

I’ve only used version 2 but I haven’t noticed anything since I’ve been using it. I’m quite oblivious to be honest so might just be me but I haven’t really had any effects that I’ve been aware of.

I’d love to see more thoughts from V1 to V2.

I’ve been using Libertine before going to office for work. As I work mostly remotely that means for the past 2 months i’ve used it 1-2 times per week regularly. I usually do 2 loops of it in the morning (from let’s say 6.30am to 8.30am --> work starts at 9am).

I’ve been using Libertine V1 for about a month and when the V2 came out I switched it.

To be honest, Libertine V1 feels better for me. Might be also because I started using it first and had some “newbie gains” so to speak.

When I used it before work I felt this surge of energy, playfulness and overall confidence (imbued with sexual tension). Flirting was easier, holding deep eye contact was easier, being playful with words was on whole another level (I’m naturally good with verbal game, but Libertine made it effortless). I even had female co-workers say stupid filrty stuff often realizing “wtf just happened” after they said it.

Example: The hottest girl in the office came to my office (head office of the building and there were like 3 other people there ) to make me sign a birthday card for a client. Looked her deep in the eyes and said “Sure” and signed the card. Then she blurted out “Wow, what a signature. Maybe I should get a tattoo of it”… then she just giggled and and the same time realized “wtf I just said”. Powerful.

After switching to Libertine V2 I thought the feel-good feeling wasn’t that pronounced anymore. I still had people reacting positively towards me but I just wasn’t feeling it AS MUCH. Especially on the nights I haven’t been sleeping well (as signaled by my Whoop strap that measures sleep).

But yesterday I switched back for 2 loops of V1 before office - and despite having a bad night sleep (about 6 hours instead of regular 7.5) I felt amazing. The vibe was there, the energy was there… and an obscene amount of horniness (I’ve kinda had focus problems at times when women wore great dresses yesterday around me).

Maybe V2 makes people more reactive, but I feel like V1 gives me more of a feel-good vibe that makes everything else easier and consequently the reactions are favorable as well.

It may be a thing of preference too :smile:


That’s an amazing testimonial for V1 right there. Also the “maybe I should get a tattoo of it” had my laughing my ass off :smiley:

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It was so “out there” even I just looked her in disbelief as in “wtf you just said?”

So yeah - Libertine is the real deal :slight_smile:

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I wanted to add a comment that might help this “Libertine isn’t doing anything” concern that some people are having.

When I first started testing the Ultima format, I did notice some fairly profound physical sensations. At one point, I almost felt intoxicated, as in I was having difficulties thinking and typing.

However, after a week or so of listening to the Ultima format, any profound physical effects seemed to fade.

I’ve never really felt much of anything running LU. So if you are running Ultima programs expecting to have some sort of experience, I would encourage you to chuck those expectations in the bin. “Feeling something” may or may not indicate anything other than you are feeling “something”, and that something may or may not be a result of the subliminal program.

I’d encourage taking persistent consistent action in the direction of what you want, and notice the results begin to accumulate week after week.


Yes, the Ultima Core contains scripting that can cause a euphoric feeling, but it’ll wear off eventually as your subconscious becomes accustomed to it. You don’t have to physically feel anything for a subliminal to work, though I understand how “feeling something” makes people more inclined to trust the subliminal, and as a result, take action.


Maybe put in a tiny inner voice that says “Yes, the sub is working. Don’t WORRY!”
lol Kidding. That would get annoying since the voice would never shut up.




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Feeling that immediate “something” could be rewarding. A reward immediately following a desired behavior can increase that desired behavior. So people wanting to feel good or “something” when listening to a subliminal is understandable.

A desire to end pain or suffering or something negative, can also be motivating. So when people are emailing with “where is my order”, I can understand. They want relief.

What I would encourage people to do, is think of a gym metaphor. Subliminals I think are like going to the gym. If after a month of going to the gym, I could look in the mirror and say “why am I going to the gym. I’m sore. It’s a lot of time I’m spending going there and lifting. Nothing is happening because I don’t look like Wolverine”.

Or I could keep track of my workouts. Have a plan. Document any changes. Reconsider my approach or course correct if I notice 8 weeks of no change. Consistently go to the gym. Find out which supplements have science to support their effectiveness. Monitor for any signs of overtraining, and take an extra day or so off if need be. And so forth.

I think an organized method and planning that is informed by those who are more knowledgeable than me will likely get me through any discouraging emotional reactions.

Same with subliminals. I keep a journal. I notice changes. If I think there is any problem, I contact customer support simply stating what I think is happening and inquire what I might need to do to get the desired results.


I walked to the Doctor’s office today for my appointment. Only about a 15 min walk there. Listened to KhanQ ST1 on the way there and back home. I had done Libertine U in bed a few loops prior.

At the doc’s office, the normal assistant is training up another one. The new one is cute. Nice ass. I noticed I was talking to them way more than I normally would. Usually I’m just reactive, answering their appointment- related questions.

I was joking lot more than usual. I def credit Libertine with that. Makes me wonder what I’d gotten if I’d listened to LU again on the way and back instead of KhanQ ST1. It’s all good though. I like how Khan seems to making me feel more comfy with being aggressive.

LU V1 rawks. I do need to be fair to V2 and give it more testing time of course. I may even cycle them both together to see what the synergy ends up being.

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sounds like a plan maybe a week of v1 and then a week of v2 since they do bring result fast

like hearing the results

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Are the previous versions available upon purchasing it?

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Yes. Supercharger, V1 and V2 upon purchase.

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@unusualfellow Thank you brother!

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All the best, Dom. It’s a great value!

Take this back.

After reading replies I noticed I wasn’t really doing a lot to make Libertine work, so therefore the sub wasn’t ready to activate properly.

My reasonings behind why I bought Libertine are slightly different to everyone else as I’m in an open relationship but I’m also finding it ‘harder’ (a limiting beliefs) to get what I want done as my attraction is mainly towards straight guys (y’all are safe I promise :joy:) and what I like getting done isn’t necessarily the typical thing - so having Libertine react and activate for that in my opinion has been more difficult.

However, recently (probably Khan) I’ve noticed that I’ve been dressing better and really trying to put an effort into my look and Libertine has opened the doors for stares from people. I’ve not really noticed this before but I was differently happy about it. Going to be harder for me to find a guy, or even a girl who trips up over their sentences when talking to me finding me attractive but this is a start.

In my opinion, V2 takes a bit more time to show up, if you’re not taking action.


I wanted to make a few comments about v1 and v2.


If I was in an established sexual relationship such as a spouse, significant other, FWB, and so forth, I’d play v1 before meeting up with them.

If I had a friend and I wanted to get out of the friend zone, I’d play v1. If that didn’t seem to work, I’d do v2.

If I was going to a party or wanted to meet new sexual partners, I’d play v2. If I was going out to do errands, I’d play v2 because I’d probably meet new women.

Rather than wonder which is best with LU, I’m wondering if it depends on the context.



You mentioned that you have an attraction towards straight guys and that you are listening to Khan, and I’m trying to read between any lines, and I’m wondering if you are a gay or bi man. If so, from what I understand, this type of attraction or inclination towards straight guys is somewhat common among gay or bi men.

I think there are many possibilities in whatever reality is.

Have you looked at the general category of manifesting and results enhancement at the Q store?

Also, I would encourage you to take a look at Atman, Unlimiter, Limits Destroyer, Power Awareness, Potentiator, Dominion, Tyrant, and Divine Will. There are also sexiness enhancers at the Q store such as Sexiness Unbound, Facial Morphing, Earthshaker Sexuality, Apollon, and Physical Shifter Sexiness. There is also Sensuality & Handsomeness Improver. Maybe some others.

I realize a majority of the forum is likely men who are heterosexual. If you are gay or bi, as far as I’m concerned, you are welcome here.

Update: when I was in college, I was talking with a friend of mine who seemed to know all the gossip on campus. He told me it was fairly common for self-identified lesbians to occasionally have sex with a man. I asked him why this was the first time I heard this and he said no one wanted to talk about it.

Rather than thinking about some outcomes being “harder” to manifest than other outcomes, I’d encourage you to think about what kind of life you want.

This is great info. Now it’s up to Libertine v3 and beyond to ensure that all these conditionals collapse into using one title—the latest and greatest version of Libertine.