Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

Doesn’t ST1 have Rebirth in it? Oh yes it does…Sounds like you need to do way more ST1, Please Consider Adding limit destroyer to your KHAN Stack. I did the same you did and got caught up in all kinds of resistance, but now after adding LD BAM :boom: Zero resistance :ok_hand::sunglasses: Trust the process, and don’t expect anything out of KHAN, let it just show up :grin::+1:


Will Khan make me a fun and social guy who flirts well or a serious kind of guy? I am on stage 2, thats why I am asking.

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That is the ultimate question! I’m lead to believe it could be either or, or those qualities could come out at just the right times in just the right ways. I’m still lead to believe that it all works on what’s most congruent with one’s own inner reality and ideals.

You can’t have one without the other man, your inner seriousness towards your purpose will always equal an external calm attributed to a healthy ventilation of your inner canvas.

But to settle your mind: you progressively become the man you’ve always wanted to be, through fire


Question out of curiosity and it can be attributed to any sub but let’s post this in Khan thread ,

As you were listening to Khan or stark or Mogul or sage , did you read biographies for people express the sub goals in their life for example stark , you read Steve Jobs biography this is one example out of many

  • Yes I read 1 biography related to the subs I use
  • Yes I read more than 1 biography related to the subs I use
  • I read biography before for the people I am interested in and don’t need to revisit again
  • I am a documentary fan , and I watched about people I am interested in
  • No I didn’t read biography at all

0 voters

I see, healing is key, what subs would you suggest then?

How long before your first results are seen?

Primal and Khan stage 1 are perfect for that type of healing.

when I was running Stark, I watches all marvel movies with Tony Stark lol.


I did the exact same thing actually

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Give it about a 3/4 days to integrate, you’ll know when you have a sense of freedom and ease :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Personally my brain does not like the 1/1 day on day off schedule, for me it’s more like hitting a 3/6/9 rotation. Meaning 1st day the month then 6th and 9th day so and and so forth. My brain :brain: loves 3 days to integrate the sub. But then again that’s just me, test it and let us know ok :+1:

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Why not run Dragon Reborn alongside Khan?

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I tried with DR1 and Khan1 as a test. The recon symptoms took the form of horribly powerful anger. Similar to when I did GLM and Commander.

I’ll try it again sometime haha

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I don’t doubt that. I am running five minute loops of EOG and I get crazy recon. I don’t know what else to at this point because I know that what I really want more than anything is FU money.

EoG is great for long-term mindset shifts to think like a wealthy person. I’d stack in R.I.C.H. or Mogul to help with manifesting more $ short-term

Those titles lock in with EoG also for long-term money juice

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I am running it with RICH but not with Mogul. Going to wait a while before I do anything different because I need to get past the recon I get with EOG St 1.

Heed My words carefully, if you continue on this route you’ll end up as that popular meme character looking for small stones and missing out on diamond.

This program is a lot more profound than you think. It WILL slowly make of you the best version of yourself possible

Ask yourself, if you were at your most alpha… would you be quantifying your life by the women you’re getting? When you become the best version of yourself then you’ll get the whole world, so don’t block this program from doing it’s thing by being weak and constantly thinking the women make the man. It sounds pathetic reading it every time whether from you or another guy. Like… what If there just aren’t any worthy women at this time? Or women who are good for you, or maybe having sex three times a day with five different women like everyone else on here wishes from this program will just keep you stupid and lazy and obsessed with sex

You don’t need “more healing” you just need to explore yourself more, and widen your imagination to the possibilities that more lies out there than this fake lifestyle you think is the apex

Again, the women come when the man is made

And believe me my friend, I’m not high and mighty I had the exact same struggle as you when I first ran this program, I was frustrated that even when I was 6/10 and short I was getting laid more than now being objectively hotter getting stared at everywhere (2 months of wanted qv2 and 9 of wanted zp) and literally had a body people thought came out of a cartoon. It killed me man

Wiser me now realized it helped me and saved me, not every woman is worthy of you bro, and all of the grind and inner recon I had (like you now) and the frustration and the constant working. THAT WAS KHAN. I love life now


This !!
Exactly on point. This current society has made men to believe that women maketh a man which is untrue.



Do you think to get a nice muscular body you are good only with Wanted or is it better to also have for example EF st3?
I am asking because right now I have a custom Wanted + EF st3, but you know there are many titles out there, so if EF st3 is not necessary…