Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP v2

That’s not what I understood from what he said

He said it has more wealth scripting than he lead us to believe on the sales page, meaning the sales page focused more on the sexual aspect than anything else.

He was clearing up the idea that Khan isn’t a wealth sub/has no wealth scripting


But maybe that add more transmutation scripting , because he said that Khan was always about creating empires using your sexual energy.


Only @SaintSovereign can answer this lol

This doesn’t mean the same.


Oh I flipped the meaning of it in my memory lol. Thanks for finding the quote bro

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So basically Khan will generate and use sex more to reach financial goals (or any other goals)?

I’ve always loved Khan, and now I’ll have to test this new version of Khan.


Some manifestations with Genesis Mogul, make me say @AnswerGroup, bring these money manifestation in Khan. Besides GLM:Total Commander has an inner circle that is better than OG Inner Circle (for me), bring it to Khan also. (please)


How khan zp2 compare to khan zp ?

All I know is I only ran one money themed core for a year… khan ZPv2…
with appropriate wealth & manifest modules

This month, I got it to zero just like I kept imagining! Six figure debt…

Surprisingly, that’s all I got from Khan but I like it… I didn’t experience raw primal aura etc


Hope this drops really soon
Even if it really presses me to decide
On best stack/ custom

I’m running Emperor first time ever
And enjoying it…

This is an exciting time to be alive
There’s a lot at stake in coming years
Who knows what freedoms will vanish
The world needs strong positive men (people) to fight for humanity :fist_right: :boom:


Imagine khan with kb ?


Something tells me that Total Breakdown would stack exceptionally well with Emperor Black to really dive deep into shadow work, without loosing too much productivity.


I think it will stack well with Khan Black ST3. I’ll go back to Khan ST1 when I’ve worked myself up to KB ST3.

Any ETA on updated Khan?
And for science did anyone stack Khan ST1 with Wanted Black?

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So I have been playing my Khan ST1 and Khan Black ST1 custom since I have been focused on foundation for the year, anyways I have had some amazing results in regards to my co-dependency.

So I will be honest it started with the updated Emperor and the updated Primal but with what I had going on it was time for me to use my custom with Khan and KB cause I wanted that part of me and other parts of me to be broken down.

Anyways while playing this I was talking to a girl, and long story short we didn’t work out, which is fine at the end of the day because of the following…

  • While we didn’t work out she changed my overall standard for the better. This is all in a good way btw

  • Tbh I will probably never date nor try to find love in a bar nor a club ever again. Would rather date women outside of the bar scene

  • I know that I can attract a high quality woman outside of the bar scene now.

  • I began to learn more about my type in general.

  • I began to respect myself more so in interactions with women.

This has made me change my standard entirely with what I expect and want out of the women I date is insane and I can’t be any more grateful.

Btw some of you may know that I have struggled with binge drinking in the past but ever since my first run in with TB months has happened I have cutting back tremendously. I will say that I havent gone out drinking during a weekend for about two months. I still go out but have been practicing moderation truly for once and I can’t be more grateful.

Thank you SubClub


New perspective shift overall holy shit lol. So basically the girl that I was getting to know and talk to basically started to ghost me. Ngl it really began to trigger me, because I have been ghosted a shit ton. Was starting to get in my feelings until I finally told myself “Respect yourself and quit complaining and move on from people who do this to you.” Yesterday was honestly a lot better in terms of my emotions and I never bounce back this quick!

Well a few hours ago I found out from a friend that she started talking to another guy. Tbh for once in my fucking life I wasn’t mad or jealous at all! The thing that did irritate me was being ghosted, like just tell me haha. Didn’t even have to mention the other guy lol she could have just said that she didn’t see this going anywhere. Btw we weren’t seriously dating or anything we were still in the stage of getting to know each other.

Now because she just ghosted without giving me the respect of saying anything, on my end there will never be another chance :man_shrugging:t2: The look on my friend’s face when I said that was kinda priceless.

Other than that I’m actually doing good! I have never moved on this quickly. I can finally say that I am starting to respect myself in not seeking validation and seeing my own worth.


By the end of 2024 probably.

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Or maybe the end of today :laughing:

If each drop is only one title… there are a ton of potential Non-NSE upgraded titles, that could be the other two for today.

Discuss the new KHAN here: Main Disc. Thread -- The New KHAN: Love and War (Now Available! Free upgrade!)