Main Disc. Thread - Khan Black: The Crucible (Custom Core Now Available!)

I don’t think it’s necessarily that deep.

Khan Black is a sexual energy mastery subliminal. Nothing complex about that on a surface level.

The issue lies in controlling your masculine energy and being mature enough to harness that into valient pursuits rather than abusing it or letting it control you, hence why people are unable to control their sexual urges through porn, rape, molestation, etc.

It becomes a very slippery slope when men are unable to control their emotional state, and their sexual energy. That is where this subliminals complexity arises, not necessarily from the subliminal itself, but from a mans inability to control himself and his emotions.


That is the very reason why I said AFTER YOU GOT YOUR LIFE TOGETHER. :rofl:
When you’ve already figured out who you are, what your general direction in life is and you know how to avoid your personal shortcomings and you think that now is the time to pour more fuel on the fire and go faster and deeper, this is the sub you use. It’s also why I think I’m probably 2 years away from this.


I could see that, however I think as long as you have some sort of direction this sub can be invaluable. I feel like the sub that actually prepared me for this the most was RoM. I’ve been stacking it with almost everything I have ran over the past 4 or so months, and I think it has given me an ability to really consciously guide my results, analyze what is happening with the energy, as well as visualize the outcome that I want.

Highly recommend whatever you run to stack with RoM, or at the very least ascension chamber.


@ksub THIS is the sub for this purpose.

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As soon as I’m done with two rounds of Sanguine the Elixir, my next stack is RoM + Genesis. :sunglasses:

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@Lion You mentioned the Root Chakra earlier. Do you see this title as a kundalini sub that cleans, purifies, and strengthens your chakras (energetic channels) allowing your life force, source energy, (sexual energy) to circulate harmoniously? Also, what do you think about the abstaining from releasing and not releasing every time during sex details? Do you understand that to mean that we will have so much sexual mastery that we will have the choice of when and when not to release during sex? I’m asking cause all of the above is what I gather from reading the title, but sometimes trying to decipher this stuff can be an exercise in futility.


In theory, whether that’s the intention, it could do this… coupled with the proper breathing and or practice. I accidentally had a kundalini awakening years ago (not knowing what it was) and that was where I could feel the “energy” coming from. It subsided within a month and I haven’t been able to do it since.


ST1, ST2 and ST3. ST4 is currently locked.


Just curious can this be a complete replacement for Sexual Mastery cause I have a lot of techniques I want to master?

Does this give me a better ability to seduce woman like on a scale 1-10?

Can I use the sexual energy to seduce women for long range by using a sexual manifestation technique?

We have our reasons, which I’m not arguing with anyone over. It was either that, or we don’t release a Stage 4 at all, which I strongly considered.

You’re supposed to run stages 1, 2 and 3 for around 30 days, which would put you RIGHT at the moment that stage 4 is released. The fact that anyone is getting frustrated illustrates to me that we made the right choice, because it’s evident that those individuals were going to jump straight to stage 4, mix it with a bunch of stuff, get bad results and then run here complaining.

You all wouldn’t believe how many times this has happened, then we discover that they’ve been mixing the title they’re complaining about with morphic fields, or YouTube subliminals or advanced energy generation meditations – but they’ll blame our title. It can be nothing else, none of the other stuff they did. It HAS to be our title to blame.

So, no. We know what we’re doing, it may not make sense to you all because you don’t have all the data and understand the behind the scenes work. I do know if I get a bunch of shit about this, we won’t make anymore bold titles like Khan Black.

Run stages 1, 2 and 3. No need for anyone to run stage 4 right now. If this is an issue for anyone, please wait until the stage 4 launch to purchase.


@SaintSovereign On the sales page for other subs you mentioned " your current level of growth ". Can you clarify what that means and how one can gage where they are at?


I am not frustrated. I have no intentions to run this project so I have no skin in the game.

But my point still stands, more advanced users PROBABLY would’ve been fine jumping right into stage 4, which would’ve allowed for more feedback on the forum and possibly shifted beginners from jumping right into it. But it doesn’t matter, all the concerns are for naught because the second stage 4 is open, complete newbs can purchase this subliminal and jump right into stage 4 regardless if you launched it today or 3 months from now. That’s irrefutable.

Every artisinal program has the disclaimer for a reason. This is no different.

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This is incorrect. Unless you have more data and information about this title than we do? Do you know what our future plans are? The answer is no – as we haven’t spoken to anyone about this.

Adding that something is “irrefutable” doesn’t actually make it so. Like we said, we have our reasons and that argument, while logical, is lacking the facts that we aren’t going to share. So, everyone – buy it now, or wait until the Stage 4 launch.


and run it. It’s great!


Basically means to self-evaluate your growth to determine if a particular title would be good for you. To tie it into this title, there are very few people here that are advanced enough to jump straight into Stage 4. Khan Black is 98% new scripting – no one has ever been exposed to this before, so it’s a bit naive to think that someone who has never worked on their sexual energy before, especially in this manner, could just jump into the last stage, which is 19000 words long.

Khan ST4 is 13k-ish, I think.


This is basically what I want to know, 1 loop of stage 1 and I already remember the breathing technique I did on Khan st4 (first version) to have sex for hours goddam! I’m sure I could do it again running stage 3! That would be incredible!

I want to go to stage 3 tho my sexual energy has been low for few months, or maybe stage 2, just play around with it!

The three stages seems incredible.


Any TL;DR on the subject of sexual energy out there? Outside TAGR chapter 11

I love it whenyou give facts and somenearly shit their pant out of excitement hahah

Also could you please clarify more what do you mean by the term “personal power” in the description of Khan Black?

I wonder I this cam be use as a replace for sexual mastery?
Does this contain the early version of the upcoming sex mastery x3?
Is there any chance we will see wanted in the black series of subs?

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