Main Disc. Thread - Godlike Masculinity: The Commander (Now Available!)

Cool. I’m going to start stage one today. I have read multiple times what you , @friday , and @GoldenTiger posted. I have the hardest time standing up for myself. I have no idea why. Given that I look like The Undertaker you would think I was way more intimidating. I’m anything but and I’m over it. Outside of money it’s my biggest source of stress and anxiety. I want to have the inner power and strength that a man should have.

By pure do you mean solo? I’m probably going to run each stage for at least two cycles if not three.

I feel like my fear and meekness is what has made my life unnecessarily difficult. I want the courage and strength to be able to tell people off if I need to as well as stand my ground both personally and professionally

Does that make sense?

I’m going to stack it with EOG and maybe add GLM Commander when I start the second stages


Makes plenty of sense. Excited to see the upgrades you will get. Be mindful of ST1. People may not respond well to the developing you. It’s an abrupt shift to them. @James


I’m going to do three minute loops for the first cycle

I don’t want to be just a Khan. I want to be a God among men

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Also @James I know you are not a fan of all SC’s sex product. But for males, standing up for oneself and living the way you believe in is usually the way you get respected by females counterpart and you end up getting sex.

Most of the sexual/seduction products on subclub tend to boost this aspect and when this aspect is getting worked on, adding sex scripting becomes easier. Both aspect end up being a bit entertwined.


Its not that I’m not a fan. Everything has its place. It’s just not one of my goals. I sometimes feel that this is something most guys miss and that I can speak from experience about. Chasing women is the wrong way to go. Become the man that women can’t resist.

This right here


I’m tired a feeling like a scared 55 year old boy. I honestly thought that’s what Dragon Reborn would help me get rid of and why I stuck with it for so long. I never progressed beyond stage one because I wanted to make sure everything was dealt with and resolved.


When you go to tabula rasa you still need to build some positive and strong beliefs on top of it to replace the ones that got removed.

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@SwagKing @GoldenTiger

This is from this song and it’s exactly how I want to feel and be

Satan ov Elohim
None dare to stand in your way
Thou bow to none

Obviously I don’t want to be Satan or Lucifer but you hopefully get the point


That’ll be you with Khan & GLM:TC


Go with Genesis+DR:LD
Khan is not for you. You will thank me later.
DR:LD has very powerful anti manipulation, confidence and bravery script+it’s in ZP V2 Max which is superior than Khan in tech.

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Why DR:LD instead of GLM:TC for what he needs?

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Not really, it was a nice evening and I was just tired of a nonsense conversation. Sometimes diplomacy or taking time to explain your point of view is better than telling people to f*** off :sweat_smile: and GLM:TC this time didn’t allow me do that.


Should I be honest?
Our fellow member @james has been asking for stack advice for MONTHS. Which is unfortunate, since he needs to figure it out himself. He has been consistent with programming mastery. But for an archetype sub he needs to figure it out himself.
And Genesis can help him. Genesis helped me find my purpose. I had this mindset of guilt being a muslim and having a burden to spread Islam which I assume was a result of running RoM for a long time(not that RoM pushed me, it was my reaction to the subs, the revelations are still with me though). And I was in a dilemma between capitalism and Islam. Genesis helped me be firm on my capitalistic endeavors.


Run genesis+DR:LD and journal and create you grand vision of life once and for all.


AlphaMale. I agree with you 100%.


I’m noticing the description for this is similar to Stark, with a bit more blaze. Now curious on stacking these.

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You won’t be disappointed.


Picked this up and added it as the second track to my stack (working through Khan Black currently) and just wanted to say this is perfect advice for this title. One four minute and forty four second loop of this alongside of today’s four minute and forty four second loop of KB St2 has my energy levels pinned against the rev limiter, focusing on staying grounded and keeping things reined in has been leading to a continuous flow state regardless of activity.


Ran a three minute loop this morning after waking up. Got everything I needed to do today by noon. Feel better mentally and emotionally than I have in a while. .