Main Disc. Thread - Executive ZP

To clarify Executive now is now devoted to Executive Function which is entirely different than the previous version of Executive


I, on the other hand, ran one 15-minute loop of Executive on Sunday just as a lark because I’m in a super-busy period and want some extra push; and…


No recon. No unstoppable battery powered rabbits. (is that still a reference?)


“Say Goodbye, Mr. Energizer Bunny!” - Supervolt CEO

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I don’t think it’s entirely different:

This one is just more comprehensive.

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Decided to wait on the hotfix. Gonna wait for more results.


I had no problem whatsoever with the 15-min Executive ZP.

Similar to how I felt after a day of Rich ZP, this one’s designed for permanent improvements to one’s Executive Functions.

Where tasks & chores are lined up, you will be able to complete them without a fuss.

If action plans are unclear, you’ll feel guided to the most sensible approaches & mentors to think fromremoving emotional conflicts in the decision process.

It’s beautiful.

:slight_smile: :ok_hand:t2:

Quoting the RICH post for reference:


Listening to Limitless Executive, not Executive… but that thread is dead and this thread is poppin’

Limitless Executive ZP has been absolutely mind blowing. I might run a stack of just Limitless Executive + Rebirth to completely rewire my limiting beliefs and subconscious patterns relating to executive function.

I’ll go over specific stories in a second, but to briefly summarize my results, here’s what I’d say…

  • Lots of energy. Faster-acting than a cup of coffee and hits just as hard.
  • Great at reducing brain fog.
  • I had an amazing writing session
  • Works instantly for me.
  • I have been extremely social and verbally fluent… increased processing power, perhaps?
  • I procrastinate less, but when I’m tired of working, I do productive breaks like exercise instead of unproductive breaks like netflix.
  • Results last for about 3 hours and then I find myself falling into a quick bit of procrastination… it’s not perfect, but that’s why I want to stack it with rebirth. I know it’s my old patterns conflicting and co-existing with the new patterns of the sub… the sub is doing a good job, there’s just a LOT to rewire and it’ll take more than 3 loops to do that.

The first time I ever played it was at 830am, after sleeping in, snoozing my alarm clock, and falling asleep SUPER late the night before. I was as groggy as could possibly be. One 3 minute loop of LE and I was up in no time, brushing my teeth, taking meetings like a boss, and working out after my first wave of meetings was completed.

3 minutes has been perfect for me. I also played it on my phone speakers while at my friend’s house and something interesting happened…

He knows I play subliminals, isn’t really interested in them, but is alright with the fact that I play them around him. He thinks they might do nothing and might be beneficial, basically he is curious but isn’t motivated enough to try them seriously.

Two minutes after the 3 minute loop was over, he stopped playing video games, said “you keep playing,” and then started doing his laundry and cleaning his house while we’re cleaning up. This man got so much done in 30 minutes, it was unbelievable. Although obviously, he already planned on doing that and it’s not like the subliminals had even the tiniest influence on that whatsoever, no, definitely not, of course not…


Wow this is great. With 3 minutes of listening what is your pattern of the resting day?
Like this?

1st Day: Listening
2nd Day: Rest
3rd Day: Listening
4th Day: Rest

Thanks for reporting, Billions. Can you make a more detailed post about your listening pattern or if you already did, can you post a link to that?

Why am I asking? I realized also that the full 15 minutes of the sub seems too much for me, but a shorter listening (at the moment it is 5 minutes which I do) seems to do the trick. Around 3 minutes would also be ok, but then is the question how often do you listen to it?

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I generally like listening to subs with 1-2 days break between each session. Something that works for me is mon/wed/fri, weekends off.

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I listen to it the exact same as 5 or 15 minutes. Don’t treat it any differently. Follow the listening pattern as far as days of the week go… and you pick whatever time you’d like.

You still need a rest day between subs even if you only listen for 3 mins.


@SaintSovereign I know you’re a busy person , I haven’t asked in a couple of days , and with tomorrow being Friday is there any chance of getting the updated objectives? If not I understand and will wait

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Limitless executive hitting HARD helping me find the subconscious guidance necessary to dissolve my ego and make nothing more important than being productive for the state of the whole world, and my family.

Not just increasing brainpower to work harder… helping me find a mindset that transforms the way i view work and makes being productive the ONLY option.


BAHAHAHA now I know why I crashed like a MF even after a double espresso…

Edit nvm Disregard it was LE… that I listened to… would that cause me to crash? what I initially noticed I was in a meeting and extremely sleepy and I cannot recall now if I pulled up BL or LE but it got my attention on but evening time I crashed hard…

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Anyone stacking this with a custom? I’m tempted, but I can’t deal with any more recon on top of what I’m already going through.

Stacking LE with a mogul/rich custom and it reduced recon. More action taking means more results and less time in your head feeling recon. One of my biggest signs of recon is procrastination, but sometimes I feel like procrastination causes even more recon, and how smooth LE has been in my stack adds some strength to the idea


I feel that. My worst bouts of recon are when I’m caught in the anxiety of not doing something and then getting exhausted so I just go on my phone and lay down. Sometimes it’s a battle to not just sink into a couch.

I might have to try this.


I noticed the same thing. I listened to LE yesterday with my HoM/R.I.C.H Crypto custom and it felt smooth. I had some recon in the form of anger during my commute. But that went away when I got to work. I got everything done with ease and even did a scalp trade from my phone and made 3% after fees. It was a good day, productivity flowed, I worked non stop, and none of it felt forced. I’ll do this one more time before my next washout.

Also, I listened to LE for 3 minutes and the custom for 5 minutes.

This. 3 minutes is all it takes. And then nothing feels forced or unusual. Just productivity. I also notice that I rest well. I take 5 minute breathers without getting distracted. I go on quick walks instead of quick youtube videos, etc. I prime my brain for more productivity rather than continue to exhaust it.


I agree with this.

The delay now is strange.

If the product has been fundamentally altered then strange updated description would be delayed by over a week.

Would have made more sense then to not release the product in advance.