Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

Well it was in a dream, I could not control the scenario :joy: I suppose the subconscious is also resisting the script by doing the opposite of what the script is done

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yep in sexual context of course

Ahh… I took it as “emotional dominance” and felt that may have been opposite of what one would want to achieve with Emperor :rofl:

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What do you mean?

There’s nothing in the Emperor script that would cause flu symptoms or cold symptoms, ya’ll. Only thing I can think of is a stress response to recon that would lower the immune system a bit. As for what’s happening now, with the “magical” return of the flu, you probably just had the flu.

If ya’ll don’t stop. You’ve got the mild Omicron variant of COVID going around, as well as the yearly flu making a “comeback.” Everyone around me is getting sick due to this, Emperor has nothing to do with it. There’s nothing in Emperor that even deals with immunity remotely.

You’re right. It’s not a coincidence. We’re in the middle of a global pandemic with a mild version that causes flu symptoms being the dominant one, as well as the FLU ITSELF spreading. FFS.

If that’s coming from a sub, it’d be Wanted due to the physical shifting, not Emperor. But, I’d get that checked out by a qualified medical professional continues, and stop running the sub. And if you’ve been overexposing, STOP.

No fat burning in Emperor.

Emperor is not causing flu symptoms or stomach issues. The damn flu and/or COVID is. This is why ya’ll need to stop with this mess.


Of course it’s not from Emperor. That would have no logic whatsoever.

I feel sluggish and with mild flu symptoms, but I know for a fact it is COVID since my son tested positive. If anything, Emperor is helping me not feeling sorry for myself and making me want to get out of this as soon as possible to get back to working out and killing it at my job.


My question is completely unrelated to flu, COVID, or any other preceding comment, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t care about flu or COVID.

The reason why I’m asking if the old version of Emperor is available is that I want to see what the “girl-repellant”/anti-social/cold effect is all about.

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That doesn’t exist either and we’ve addressed this so many times now. Guess I’m still in the lead.


Why would they make a title that makes you sick?
And make a free title to assist with COVID :smiley:

Best solution is they discontinue Emperor.

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Some should perhaps be a bit careful with drawing conclusions. We see subliminals as some “all-mighty mind control” in a sense, so it’s understandable that you can get some wild ideas about what it’s doing. But before making claims that could potentially hurt Subliminal Club as a company, go get tested, hydrate, eat fruit and see if you get better. If you do, and you’re still listening, it’s most likely not the sub. And either way, it’s your reaction to the sub that determines your experience, so it’s still only you to blame. :wink:


Also, don’t think for a second what’s said here is private. There are always people who will try to use whatever is said against a company to ruin them. Just be honest, but try not to speculate in ways that you know may seem a bit far-fetched. There’s people watching. There always are. :wink: And rumors spread quicker than the Coronavirus!


Yes I’ve read your replies about it before, but I wanted to experience the effect firsthand; I am actively looking for a sub that may create a colder and more focused effect. The fact of the matter is that Emperor’s script was apparently changed, and my question is whether or not I can listen to the original script if I purchase Emperor. If Emperor’s script was never changed, then just say so.

I don’t know what you’re referring to but if it’s what I think it is, can’t help but say that I’m disappointed. All I’m doing is trying to ask a genuine question and get a legitimate response, I’m not trying to get into some internet forum battle. What’s your problem today, you’re normally quite helpful but for some reason you’re trying to antagonize me for absolutely nothing.

hahahah i cracked, almost everyone in the world is having a runny nose or something

i do, hahahha imagine running a sub then getting sick, “THE ULTIMATE ZP FLU SCRIPTING ORDER NOW”


Wonder if that was the sudden surge of energy I felt during my last hour of work. Damn near could feel electricity flowing through my body.


Also @SaintSovereign do you recommend ZP over Qv2? i wanna jump on Emperor ZP but im currently Running Ascension Qv2

like how is the new version of tech “ZP” superior? i read @Malkuth post on the support section. but like if were talking about percentage, how much is ZP better than Qv2 overall like in % :face_with_monocle:

like how much im really missing out i? :grin:

@Invictus you devil :japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre: :ghost: :ghost: im now having thoughts about switching hahahah

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Is this even possible to calculate? :thinking:
The fact that zp gives less to no recon makes it better. And if u see it is more convenient. Just 15 mins of listening and the best thing is that you get results from the sub according to ur subconscious’ expression. It meanresults will be more permanent and natural isn’t it amazing? :grinning:


Sounds about right. Might have to start calling this Raiden ZP

(there’s a joke there somewhere, but I’m running on low battery now…lost my charge. I’ll see myself out.)

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Lol I like the sound of Raiden ZP


thats amazing yes.

thing is holding me back that its a preview :thinking: the 15 min aspect is not much for me since i only listen to subs overnight, like i only play them at bed going to sleep

but you got me pumped a bit :muscle: :face_with_monocle:

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Bro some of the products will be final you see. I am totally satisfied with emperor and wanted and some are not. I think they will do modifications in limitless as saint mentioned somewhere. Some modifications will be there but I don’t think there will be some huge modifications. I think you should start using ur desired titles so when the final products are announced you will be much more adaptive to those products


Or paragon? paragon is currently in my stack. I suppose the washout from wanted could still be working. But I do know it was most prominent when running 2 loops of paragon every other day.